Preview of future Police Car Chases?

It seems to me that China does not want to destroy us physically. After all, they need our custom to sustain their economy. They just want to be in charge of world events and have the Chinese way dominate. They have done this by degrading out culture, educational systems and moral backbone. They are also in a position now to buy up lots of places (Vancouver as an example / Belt and Road Initiative as an other).

50/60 years ago the West had a clearer vision of the way the world should be and of its place in it. The Western way ruled. Nowadays we can barely find our back end with a mirror on a stick.

Oh and one other thought. The Chinese don't actually believe in climate change. They only pretend to but in reality do nothing. We are destroying our economies and our way of life but they aren't. Hooked on Fenix was right when he said they are laughing all the way to the bank.
Here's something else in the Bible, Armageddon will only occur once the entire world knows the Word of God. Ironically there are still places in the Middle East where the citizenry are so oppressed that they literally haven't even seen a Bible.
Here's something else in the Bible, Armageddon will only occur once the entire world knows the Word of God. Ironically there are still places in the Middle East where the citizenry are so oppressed that they literally haven't even seen a Bible.
Yes, every nation will hear the gospel. Not every individual will accept it. "And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come." -Matthew 24:14. Unfortunately, too many Christians today believe in a pretribulation rapture and think the end is when they get raptured up leaving everyone else to spend 7 years in hell on earth. It's a doctrine of complacency. If I have fire insurance and a ticket to paradise before the SHTF, why do I have to do anything else? That's not what the Bible says.

Revelation 6:9-11 has the Christians beheaded starting at the 5th seal. Revelation 7:9-17 confirms this and verse 9 hints it will occur around Palm Sunday (they're holding palm branches). That's about 2 years in. Daniel 7:25 has the saints handed over to the antichrist starting at this time for 3.5 years. That's up to 5.5 years in. During this 3.5 year persecution of the saints, God sends his two witnesses during which time Israel is trampled on by the gentiles until the time of the gentiles is completed. Luke 21:24, Revelation 11:1-14, Revelation 11:13 hints that the earthquake and the time the two witnesses ascend into heaven will be the day of atonement, the 10th day of the seventh month, 1/10 of the city destroyed, seven thousand killed. The day of atonement to the Jews is the last day to get right with God. After this which would coincide with 7 months after burying the bodies from the Russian invasion of Trumpet 6 (Ezekiel 39:12-13), Israel will be brought out of captivity (Ezekiel 39:25), and the Holy Spirit will pour out on all of Israel, much like it did on the day of Pentecost after Jesus' ascension (Ezekiel 39:29, Joel 2:28-32) That will leave all of Israel to evangelize the world during the last year of the tribulation. Also, after the Christians start getting persecuted at seal 5, God seals 144,000 Jewish men to preach the gospel (Revelation 7:1-8).

Just before the bowl judgments, the last year, if the Jews followed God's instructions, they will have harvested enough food to get them through the entire year (Revelation 14:14-16). Year seven will be a sabbath year for growing crops (you let the land rest). This goes back to Daniel's seventy sevens and what was done in them (Daniel 9:24-27). You had the feast of first fruits (Leviticus 23:9) counting down to the feast of weeks or Pentecost where they started with a sheave/Omer as an offering. Note in the King James Version (older more accurate versions), for the third seal, it says an Omer of wheat for a denarius. The feast of first fruits was in the spring after the first year when they received the grain harvest. This gives the timing of the seals. A year from first to third puts them at 180 days apart. The first Trumpet gives the timing of those judgments, though this can be assumed with 3.5 years before and a year at the end putting them at 2.5 years total (3.5+2.5+1=7). This also confirms what Jesus said about these being the beginning of birth pains (Matthew 24:8). Birth contractions increase in both frequency and intensity. The judgements get closer together in time as they get worse and deadlier. The start date comes from the destruction of the fruit and grain. "Grain offerings and drink offerings are cut off from the house of the Lord."-Joel 1:9. While grain or grasses grow in a year, it takes at least two to three years for trees to yield fruit. Fruit is sacrificed during the fall feasts in the third year (2.5 years) (Amos 4:4). While the world is dying to find food, God's people should be okay. The last year are the bowl judgments and they mirror the plagues of Moses in Egypt and Elijah. They are the two witnesses that are killed (Malachi 4:4-6). That passage says of Elijah, "He will turn the hearts of the fathers to their children, and the hearts of the children to their fathers; or I will come and strike the land with a curse." Well, after killing Moses and Elijah, the Bowl judgments mirroring historic plagues they were known for bringing is a decent curse and even the plagues will point the unbelieving to the existence of God whether they are allowed to be told the good news from a Christian or not.

So after having the Christians evangelize until they are killed, then the 144,000, then the two witnesses, then all of Israel, not to mention dozens of signs in the sky, natural disasters of unheard of scale, having the most widespread ability to find knowledge in human history at your fingertips, and the Bible being the most copied book in all of history, nobody will have an excuse for saying no to God on the day of judgment.
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Between the X-ian Armageddon, the impending night of Brahma, the Mayan apocalypse, Subgenii Xday, the return of Vishnu on a white horse, Zoroastrian end of the 3rd Time, the return of the Islamic Mahdi, and so many many many others, we really have all sorts of stuff to look forward to, don't we?
Just wait until Monday, the Jewish New Year (Nisan 1) during a total solar eclipse over the U.S. and April 22, Jewish Passover when Israel plans to sacrifice some red heifers to reconsecrate the new temple. So you know, the attack on October 7 was being justified as the 100 day anniversary when they flew the red heifers over from the U.S..They are also known as apocalypse cows. As soon as they are sacrificed, it will anger all the Muslims in the world to attack Christians and Jews as an indicator of the end of the world, and that killing all Christians and Jews will bring back their Mahdi (messiah), or the Jewish and Christian antichrist. We live in interesting times.
Between the X-ian Armageddon, the impending night of Brahma, the Mayan apocalypse, Subgenii Xday, the return of Vishnu on a white horse, Zoroastrian end of the 3rd Time, the return of the Islamic Mahdi, and so many many many others, we really have all sorts of stuff to look forward to, don't we?
I ordered my Solar-powered flashlight already.
Hopefully Armageddon doesn't blot out the Sun.
Just wait until Monday, the Jewish New Year (Nisan 1) during a total solar eclipse over the U.S. and April 22, Jewish Passover when Israel plans to sacrifice some red heifers to reconsecrate the new temple. So you know, the attack on October 7 was being justified as the 100 day anniversary when they flew the red heifers over from the U.S..They are also known as apocalypse cows. As soon as they are sacrificed, it will anger all the Muslims in the world to attack Christians and Jews as an indicator of the end of the world, and that killing all Christians and Jews will bring back their Mahdi (messiah), or the Jewish and Christian antichrist. We live in interesting times.
Ah yes. Reminds me of that ancient Chinese proverb: "May you live in interesting times."

It's not a compliment nor a blessing. The exact opposite as a matter of fact. Anyone says that to you, give them a taste of your pimp-hand. They deserve it.

Edit: Clarification.
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"Working through old research notes, I rediscovered an interesting quote from Thomas Jefferson (yes, that Thomas Jefferson). He certainly has an opinion or two to share about Revelation. In short, he doesn't have anything good to say about that last book of the Bible. He describes it as "the ravings of a Maniac, no more worthy, nor capable of explanation than the incoherences of our own nightly dreams." I suspect many Christians would disagree with Jefferson, to say the least. You can read the rest of his thoughts in the link below.[1]

And then there's Martin Luther, the acclaimed Protestant Reformer. In the first preface of his translation of Revelation in 1522, Luther's descriptions are also quite negative. He describes the book as being "neither apostolic nor prophetic," saying further that he "can in no way detect that the Holy Spirit produced it" (LW 35:398). After accusing the author of Revelation of being somewhat smug and rather puzzling, Luther confesses, "My spirit cannot accommodate itself to this book. For me this is reason enough not to think highly of it: Christ is neither taught nor known in it" (LW, 35:398-399)."

"Working through old research notes, I rediscovered an interesting quote from Thomas Jefferson (yes, that Thomas Jefferson). He certainly has an opinion or two to share about Revelation. In short, he doesn't have anything good to say about that last book of the Bible. He describes it as "the ravings of a Maniac, no more worthy, nor capable of explanation than the incoherences of our own nightly dreams." I suspect many Christians would disagree with Jefferson, to say the least. You can read the rest of his thoughts in the link below.[1]

And then there's Martin Luther, the acclaimed Protestant Reformer. In the first preface of his translation of Revelation in 1522, Luther's descriptions are also quite negative. He describes the book as being "neither apostolic nor prophetic," saying further that he "can in no way detect that the Holy Spirit produced it" (LW 35:398). After accusing the author of Revelation of being somewhat smug and rather puzzling, Luther confesses, "My spirit cannot accommodate itself to this book. For me this is reason enough not to think highly of it: Christ is neither taught nor known in it" (LW, 35:398-399)."

Jefferson was a deist, not a true Christian, so I don't care what he said about the Bible. Martin Luther was dealing with the Catholic Church's horrific practice of indulgences, telling people they had to buy something to earn their way to heaven. He was heavily invested in the concept of grace through faith, a free gift of God, not something you earned. A book like Revelation that was mostly about punishment of sin would have been a turn off for him in his ministry. That does not take away from the book's validity. The first four words in the book are "The revelation of Jesus Christ" so saying Christ is not taught or known in it is disingenuous.
"Working through old research notes, I rediscovered an interesting quote from Thomas Jefferson (yes, that Thomas Jefferson). He certainly has an opinion or two to share about Revelation. In short, he doesn't have anything good to say about that last book of the Bible. He describes it as "the ravings of a Maniac, no more worthy, nor capable of explanation than the incoherences of our own nightly dreams." I suspect many Christians would disagree with Jefferson, to say the least. You can read the rest of his thoughts in the link below.[1]

And then there's Martin Luther, the acclaimed Protestant Reformer. In the first preface of his translation of Revelation in 1522, Luther's descriptions are also quite negative. He describes the book as being "neither apostolic nor prophetic," saying further that he "can in no way detect that the Holy Spirit produced it" (LW 35:398). After accusing the author of Revelation of being somewhat smug and rather puzzling, Luther confesses, "My spirit cannot accommodate itself to this book. For me this is reason enough not to think highly of it: Christ is neither taught nor known in it" (LW, 35:398-399)."

Since you didn't offer any personal thinking (as I requested in another thread), I'll ask you to explain the point you were attempting to make.

1) Driver was a dumb@ss for running.
2) Chase should have been called off if it was going at 100mph with curves ahead.
3) The new Marin County battery extinguisher system "floods the battery compartment with water." Shouldn't it be flooded with something else that's less reactive with lithium?

These are just my semi-informed opinions.
I agree, electric or not, chasing cars at 100mph is dangerous to the public. every cop needs to have a drone in their car, or two and be trained to use them, let the drone chase, and broadcast video to all cops in the area, so they can catch him when the driver stops and leaves the car, If he runs too far into different jurisdiction, have cops from both cooperate and share video feed. there is no reason why they need to chase anyone while endangering public, cops seem to believe their investigation matters more than safety and lives of general public, completely ignoring that their investigations may cost someone innocent their lives, this attitude needs to be eradicated imo,
1) Driver was a dumb@ss for running.
2) Chase should have been called off if it was going at 100mph with curves ahead.
3) The new Marin County battery extinguisher system "floods the battery compartment with water." Shouldn't it be flooded with something else that's less reactive with lithium?

These are just my semi-informed opinions.
I don't see why they still chase people in CA if they are just going to let them go with no bail. Definitely not worth endangering the public unless the people being chased are more dangerous.

Water (lots of it) is pretty much the only practical way to fight lithium battery fires - the water won't put the fire out, but it can keep cells that haven't yet exploded or caught fire from doing so by keeping them cool.
The clip is 2:10 in duration. Less than 30 seconds of "reporting" concerned the chase and crash.

We don't know how much time elapsed from when the officer turned on his lights and siren and when the dumb@ss crashed.

I think more information is needed before any conclusions are drawn. ...... Except one - Never attempt to elude the police.
Just wait until Monday, the Jewish New Year (Nisan 1) during a total solar eclipse over the U.S. and April 22, Jewish Passover when Israel plans to sacrifice some red heifers to reconsecrate the new temple. So you know, the attack on October 7 was being justified as the 100 day anniversary when they flew the red heifers over from the U.S..They are also known as apocalypse cows. As soon as they are sacrificed, it will anger all the Muslims in the world to attack Christians and Jews as an indicator of the end of the world, and that killing all Christians and Jews will bring back their Mahdi (messiah), or the Jewish and Christian antichrist. We live in interesting times.
Looks like things are heating up in Israel. Looks like this could kick off World War III.

Looks like things are heating up in Israel. Looks like this could kick off World War III.

About this, they are already talking about the possibility of Israel going after Iran's nuclear facilities. Jeremiah 49:34-39 of the Bible talks about Elam (a part of Iran located right around the area of the Bushehr Nuclear Power Plant) and that God will "break the bow of Elam, the mainstay of their might" (lran's might is nuclear power/weapons). Then He will "scatter them to the four winds, and there will not be a nation where Elam's exiles do not go." From the whole passage, it sounds like Iran's nuclear facilities get attacked, they have to flee from the fallout, and they scatter to all the nations as they are pursued by their enemies. I could be wrong from the interpretation, but this is looking like a likely possibility in the very near future.
Ironically there are still places in the Middle East where the citizenry are so oppressed that they literally haven't even seen a Bible.
There are "churches" in the United States which haven't seen a Bible either. See also Joel Osteen.

As far as police chases go, I'm not sure why they're still doing them.
I recently got to play with some of the more advanced drones. A car chase was exactly one of the scenarios we practiced. There were two controllers being used, one for the drone pilot, the second for the LEO which controlled the cameras. All you had to to was touch the object on the screen you wanted the drone to track and it went on its merry way following it.

Excuse the blurriness as I took a pic of the screen using my phone. The images it produced were very clear and crisp and reading license plates was not a problem. There were 3 cameras on these drones, one looking straight forward for the pilot, a gimbal mounted one which had color/B&W and an IR camera. It was quite gusty that day as you can see in the lower right camera images.

One of the local sheriff's departments is looking into having a bunch of these around town, ready to deploy. When a call comes in, they'll dispatch the drone to get a lay of the land for responding officers. Dispatch time on a drone is minimal compared to sending up the helicopters. MUCH cheaper too. These drones also support 'handing off' the controls, so let's say the suspect is heading down the road and is going a substantial distance. The current pilot can hand off control to another officer/pilot further down the road.


With advances in AI, you wont need 2 controllers anymore, just lock on the drone, and it will follow a car by itself. Actually now that i think of it, we already have that in commercial product, iirc there was a drone sold that was doing exactly that, it would follow you, and watch for terrain at the same time, while taking video of you from above, we have this tech in guided missiles for decades.
As advanced as drones are we can still find downsides, (drones not available, damages, was not deployed in time....) Maybe an unmanned blimp or few with hi res. cameras in the air 24/7, with an app that broadcast live areal view in hi def and thermal image, to all police cars and to police phones, so any cop can follow any car, and when a car in question enters an area of coverage of certain unit, they get a message, and can either catch a driver, or set up a block.
Something similar already already exist in Ukrainian army, a system where any soldier with an access to it can point to a target and closest artillery battery that can reach coversit, ot deploys closest self propelled unit that is near enough to cover the target