The price difference is because we PUT UP with vastly inflated prices in this country. Every time I open my wallet in this country I KNOW I'm going to get ripped off.
Buy from overseas, I've NEVER had to pay excess postage or customs fees.:twothumbs
Just a shot in the dark, but do you think maybe the price difference could be something to do with you buying items that are more readily available in another country? Here's a shocker for you, I buy many items of all types from the UK, regular online stores and ebay, because they're cheaper than anywhere else in Europe. However, I don't think that it's a big price fixing conspiracy, instead I am aware that the things I am buying are more readily available in the UK, thus they are cheaper. Keeping it flashlight relevant I just got 2 GP chargers and some batts. I didn't get them myself as I couldn't find a UK seller to send to me, so I got someone to buy them, have them sent to him (in UK), then forward to me, and I added some extra for his trouble, and it was still cheaper than an online seller in Spain that I actually buy from quite regularly. Oh, and GP chargers aren't even made in the UK, they just happen to be more readily available, so imported in greater quantities, so are cheaper. My local online place that I could have ordered from, they're not ripping me off, they're just selling at a price, pure and simple. They have plenty of other chargers which are cheaper as they sell them in greater numbers, but they weren't the ones I wanted.
My personal favorite flashlight, Surefire, are a lot more expensive locally than mail order from another country, but I don't feel the need to complain that I am being ripped off, I just acknowledge things such as supply, demand, import cost, taxes, and the biggest one of all....., personal choice.
So, if flashlight X is half the price at fenix-store (or anywhere else) compared to your local dealer, then don't buy locally, but don't fill the internet with your pains and woes of being "ripped off" as there are many other items that are far cheaper in the UK than anywhere else in Europe. Alternatively you could adopt the admirable and impressive attitude that many American members have and actually support your own economy rather than complaining about those in other countries.