Flashlight Enthusiast
Every contributor to this forum has valuable torches. My topic is this priceless torch, which could neither be replaced nor superseded, even with limitless funds. I buried my father earlier this week. The grief is thick, palpable. Many of his possessions are being sold to help my mother, but I have claimed this little flashlight as my own. We bought this together. Well, technically, he bought it at my recommendation in 2018 and it accompanied him everywhere. He loved it and I shall continue to love it on his behalf. We are not a people who grieve without hope, but someday, it may go into the ground with me. Does anyone else own a flashlight like this? It shall be neither a user nor a shelf queen. It's used and roughed up, rather like me, but it wouldn't be at home in a display case. Perhaps I will find safe uses around the home. For those keeping score at home, this is an HDS rotary 3' O'Clock High with a flush button and the silver bezel.