Princeton Tec FUEL


Newly Enlightened
Dec 29, 2005
Just saw this online but haven't seen anything else....

Anyone have any experience with the PT FUEL... 3xAAA and 3LED's seems like a step backwards. Or maybe it's just going to be the Aurora replacement.
Odd, considering what it is, it should either be $12, or run on 1 AA or something.

Perhaps someone should chime in as this just seems like a lower end version of the quad.
ouch.. i hope Princeton Tec is staying away from crack :(
I make a point to avoid 3xAAA powered anything, as it's almost always a *surefire* sign of little or no regulation.
The EOS is current regulated, although that link above says the fuel isn't.

I would rather have this than an Aurora. It looks smaller, and could in principle be made a lot more waterproof.
ouch.. i hope Princeton Tec is staying away from crack :(

LOL! Man, once I saw that Fuel with white case with HOT PINK highlights, I just knew this is the headlamp for me. Have to have my very own hot pink Fuel!

Seriously, if it's made to the usual PT standards it's probably a decent headlamp.

Seems a little pricey at 25 bucks, but it's lightweight enough to appeal to even ultralight backpackers.

Well I just took the plunge. I tried ooooooh sooooo hard to resist the pink one, and ordered the black instead.

Guess I'll have to buy something else to match my girlfriend's fuzzy slippers. :p