Problem with an L1D-CE


Feb 19, 2007
Where the grass is blue, up is down, and hamburger
Well, sort of. I had a problem. Read on.

Recently, I purchased an L1D-CE from, after my P1D-CE was stolen. :mecry: (Also from them, great vendor. :wave:)

Last night, I was reading with my L1D-CE on medium, and ceiling bouncing it, by sticking it between the mattress and the frame of the bed. There is plenty of space, even when there is nothing in there. My hand bumped the light, and it went off. I turned it back on. It went to low, but whenever I lightly pressed to switch modes, it stayed off. I could turn it from low to high by twisting, but a light press turned it off on both normal and turbo. I also couldn't fully press and then fully press again to switch modes. I gave up, and went to sleep. Today, I came home from school, and before emailing Scott from seriouslights, I decided to try the light out again. I took out the old battery (eneloop, pretty fresh), and put in a new eneloop. It worked perfectly. I thought it could somehow be a problem with the battery, so I tried the old one again. It worked perfectly. :thinking: Any ideas on what happened?
I've never ordered anything from seriouslights but if they are a reputable dealer they will make it right. I get my Fenix lights from the Fenix-Store because of their great service! I'm surprised you didn't replace your P1D-CE with another one.
My L1D started acting up awhile back. Found that the silver threaded ring in the tail cap (I dont know the proper name for it) had worked itself loose. I assume that when I would change batteries it would spin sometimes. Probably backing itself out as I unscrewed the tailcap, and then screw back in when I put it back on. When it would act up I would take the battery out and click the switch a few times and scratch my head:thinking:, put it back on and would work. I finally took a pair of snap ring pliers and was going to take the switch out and found that the ring was very loose and probably 3 turns from being able feel any tension at all. Once I lightly snugged it down, no more problems. Just a thought, maybe worth checking before you to the trouble of sending it in.
All the similar problems I had initially with my L1D CE went completely away after a thorough threads cleaning and lubing session.

Actually after the second session because probably the first one was not good enough. Now the light works perfectly well. ;)

Let's not forget that the current (very low in the case of L1D) has to flow through the non-anodized threads and so grit or wrong grease can play tricks.
The easiest to find lube is silicone plumber's grease you find at any store where you buy tools or do-it-yourself ware.
Don't put too much grease, just a thin layer.