PS3 Bluray Laser Diode pics (can opened)


Flashlight Enthusiast
Sep 16, 2004
Ottawa, Canada
Here are some macros of a Sony Bluray Laser Diode that I removed the can from due to a problam with the LD window.

Freshly opened can:

The Business End

Stained Glass Window (note "burned" area)
Wow, those are great pics! What exactly happened to it? Did it just bust itself up, or was it left on without cooling, or a mysterious act of divine intervention?

The coating on the window "burned" (by over-driving). I removed the can to get the window off. The laser diode still works.
The laser diode still works.

This is what i'm amazed about.. It's a reader diode (right?), and you measured 70-80mW!

These Blue Rays are weird.. They are sensitive and sturdy at the same time.

When mine died, i noticed i had to drive them at 220mA to get a beam. And they can still take it. Unfortunatelly, the beam is much less bright, than it was, before they died. They also heat up A LOT and this makes the beam become dimmer, but if they are cooled, they can take this current for a long time.

The other one had 1.6A flowing through it after it died, and after that it started working at between 220 and 300mA again.

They really are weird, but i will treat my next two very gently. Don't want to lose them again.
The high Vf of these (~5V) guarentee that lots of power will be consumed in comparison to a red/IR laser diode.

50mA is going to consume ~ 250mW
220mA is going to consume ~ 1250mW (not surprising it got hot!)

This is what i'm amazed about.. It's a reader diode (right?), and you measured 70-80mW!

These Blue Rays are weird.. They are sensitive and sturdy at the same time.

When mine died, i noticed i had to drive them at 220mA to get a beam. And they can still take it. Unfortunatelly, the beam is much less bright, than it was, before they died. They also heat up A LOT and this makes the beam become dimmer, but if they are cooled, they can take this current for a long time.

The other one had 1.6A flowing through it after it died, and after that it started working at between 220 and 300mA again.

They really are weird, but i will treat my next two very gently. Don't want to lose them again.
Here's a pic of this Bluray laser bouncing inside my watch crystal.

I like that photo. That is a very thin beam! did you use an apreture, or what collimator did you use?
I like that photo. That is a very thin beam! did you use an apreture, or what collimator did you use?

Thanks, it's just a plain old Aixiz module (DX version). It's actually from the LD posted above (post can removal).
It's interesting how the beam looks green on the inside. Looks pretty bad.. Nice pic.

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