PT Surge Bulb Mount Failure ----WARNING!!!---

No the problem was that some Surges were made with the wrong kind of solder and it melted. The outside of the Surge doesn't get all that hot.

The Surge isn't really properly designed for a dive light. Divers regularly complain about it flooding. I'm not a diver myself but from some other sites I get the impression that real dive lights have two O-rings. For example, the Underwater Kinetics lights all have two O-rings. The Surge has only one O-ring.
hmmm, well - I guess I missed the queue to start a thread in Cheers and Jeers. I'm OK with PT (love my Tec-40) and am happy with customer service once they got their act together.

I'd like to hear from some people that have new-production Surges to see if they focus properly when the bezel is fully tightened.


The tracking # on mine says it's due for delivery today. That's why I'm sitting here looking out the window and cruising CPF today. I got it for $6 when I was surfing the net when I couldn't access CPF last week. So, I'm not really sure if it's a new one or closeout stock. I'll let you know.
paulr said:
The Surge isn't really properly designed for a dive light. Divers regularly complain about it flooding. I'm not a diver myself but from some other sites I get the impression that real dive lights have two O-rings. For example, the Underwater Kinetics lights all have two O-rings. The Surge has only one O-ring.

[/ QUOTE ]
Ummm, no. Most dive lights only have a single O-ring for the main seal (some will also have one for the switch, but I don't think this is what you meant). I have about a dozen dive lights (including 2 from UK) and none have dual O-rings.

Not that that would be a bad thing. I would like to have dual O-rings on my UK Light Canon since that light would be quite expensive to repair if flooded (most lights you just wash them out, replace the O-rings & batteries and you're good to go. But the LC has an expensive lamp and electronic ballast).

As for flooding; I wonder if that is really a design flaw or just improper use. In over 25 years of diving I have only flooded one light, and that was due to my own carelessness. But I have several friends who regularly flood lights, cameras, etc. My brother flooded his Nikonos several times.

Now I'm not saying there isn't a problem with the Surge. Clearly there was an issue with the bulb contact, and there may be some issue related to flooding -- but in my experience I have found that flooding is almost always the fault of the user.

Just my .02

Aloha, iG
Okay, just got it. Now, is there any way to tell if this is a new or older model? Mine came in a tubular package with the #2064 molded into one of the plastic end caps and a sticker with the #2809559, maybe from the store I ordered it through - don't know. the hot spot on mine appears football shaped when the bezel is completely tightened and opens up to a larger rounder shape at about -1/4 turn. At -1 complete turn the spot opens up to the size of a beach ball at 3ft from the wall and it looks like half of a giant walnut in shape.

as a note: my instructions clearly state "For best performance, Princeton Tec recommends the use of alkaline batteries." and a website I saw said not to use lithiums in it because they ran the bulb too hot. was this the case before with the earlier production runs?

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