PWM driver


Oct 24, 2006
I am looking for someone, who cold write program for pic12f675.
My idea is to make PWM Led driver whith battery voltage control.
I am not strong in programming, i do not understand the A-D Converter section. I have similar code for other chip (12c672) and for incan, i would like to modify it for 12f675 ...

Idea is to make output constant as possible from one li-on cell and when voltage lower, than direct-drive, when lower than 2,9V , than off (or flash).

One suggestion, use the 12F683 its bundled with PWM by hardware, far easier to work with, once you set it you can forget about it.

And regarding A/D you want to measure the circuit supply? you will need an external voltage reference for that as far as I know.

Does it have to be a 12f675 or even a Pic for that mater? I have been working on a PWM driver for my home lighting needs using some Cypress PSoC uC.
I choosen it because i had software to compile and to hardware to program it.
if i choose something else than i would need to make new programmer and search for software etc ... :ohgeez:

One suggestion, use the 12F683 its bundled with PWM by hardware, far easier to work with, once you set it you can forget about it.

And regarding A/D you want to measure the circuit supply? you will need an external voltage reference for that as far as I know.


Do you have some "workarounds" with 12F683 ? With A/D i would like to control the PWM from supply voltage. as i know pic has internal reference voltage but i think i do not need it
To drive a white LED from a single Li-ion over the full useful range is
going to require some sort of boost circuit anyway, and those tend to
do voltage or current regulation as a side effect...

I've been thinking of doing something like this for incandescents. A hint
I received is to not bother trying to read the battery voltage; just operate
the PIC off unregulated voltage, and measure a reference value using Vsupply
as the reference. As the battery/supply voltage decreases, the PIC will see
the fixed reference volage appearing to climb...
I've been thinking of doing something like this for incandescents. A hint
I received is to not bother trying to read the battery voltage; just operate
the PIC off unregulated voltage, and measure a reference value using Vsupply
as the reference. As the battery/supply voltage decreases, the PIC will see
the fixed reference volage appearing to climb...

I am noob in programming can you help me?

Check THIS site

It says: " Can also be adapted to PIC12F675 FLASH chip with minor code modifications.

I tryed, but getting errors... :ohgeez:
Big Thanks PEU

I will try it when i receive the pics (one week).

p.s. what software did you use for compiling? with mplab i get many errors.
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