Q-3 With SCC Star ** It's now open and ready for solder!


Flashlight Enthusiast
Dec 3, 2004
Boston, Massachusetts
Hey Folks,

Search wasn't working for me and I couldn't find any info on upgrading the star in the Q-3. There was a thread I was in a few months back that gave me the idea and suggestions but... I couldn't get the plastic retaining ring out an now that it's out.. can't locate any info.

Then I put the torch in the freezer and just like the U2 plastic tube, it came right out!! WHOOO HOOOOO!!! :)

Now the questions (as always TY in advance!!)

I have the Al heat sink I got from here and a SSC star for DX.. do I need thermal paste? If so, should I get the computer CPU stuff or any recommendations?

Any other things to consider before have this thing soldered?

I'm very lucky to work for Sprint and we have a phone repair center connected to my office. I made nice with them and they will solder any flashlight for me (unless the boss is in lol)

Thank You :)
This is the thread that I relied on when I installed my Cree cum flupic in my Q3 :-


Lumenhound gave some excellent instructions in post #2.

I didn't use any thermal paste - just substituted the stars (but if you have some on hand, you might as well use it); but I had to file a little off the bottom of the reflector.
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