Q4 WH or Q2 WD emitters, question


Newly Enlightened
Sep 7, 2007
San Diego
Can someone explain to me the difference between the two emitters coding (WH or WD) I know this has to do with the color but I forget what they are and which is more appealing to the eye.
P4, Q2, Q4, Q5, R2 are the efficiency bins which effect the output.

WH, WD, WG, WF, WC, etc are the tint bins. When it comes to tints it usually comes down to personal preference. WC is popular because most people find it very white, but cool white. Some of the other bins may appear purplish, greenish, yellowish, etc.

The above tint bins are all in the cool white family. There are also nuetral white tint bins, like 5A, which will look much warmer than the cool white tints.

I recommend you check out this excellent topic with some tint bin charts:
