Q5 Maglite drop in from Kaidomain?


Flashlight Enthusiast
Sep 16, 2007
Redding, CA
Does anyone have the Q5 maglite drop in from KD? It's $19.99 shipped right now, and I was thinking about picking one up. I purchased 4x 3D LED maglites at LOWES for $12 each. I can sell the magLED on eBay for about $12, then buy the Q5 drop in for $19.99. So the light would end up costing me $20 for a Q5 3D Mag. Is it worth it?

I did the SSC U bin mod to replace the LED on the mag led. Its now brighter... Around 120-150 lumens I would say. The LED has a slight yellow tint though.
Yes it's very worth it go for the drop-in and reflector combo save a little money but i dont know how a cut std reflector works out with KD drop-in nice and bright with little or no lose of lumen over long run times merry xmas DocD
Yes you can use a stock reflector but you'll have to cut off the cam (tube portion). A pair of heavy duty scissors should suffice.
I have a dremmel like tool, so I can use it. Does anyone actually one one of these. Is it driven at 1A? If so It should put out about 200 lumens, and maybe 180 out the front?
There are pics of it at the review section comparing it with some throwers, and the performance was very good.

I ordered few of these along with SMO alu reflector, glass lens, aspherical lens, this way you can use both setup.

You can also buy 2D mags and use them with D size li ions.