So I finally got a replacement light-engine for my D-mini, but when I put in the Q5 I got from Cutter a while back and stuck in an RCR123a the output was completely underwhelming... as in, high is less bright than my LP M1 on low. I have a low setting too, it's just VERY low. I know my batteries are in right, and the LED is working so I'm pretty sure I got the leads soldered correctly... is there something I'm missing? I didn't expose the Q5 to excessive heat, if anything this was my fastest solder-job ever. Is it possible to cause this kind of issue by filing down the edges of the star? If so I'm going to kick myself... I mean, I did about the same thing I did with the star for my MRV, so I wouldn't think so, but... I'm shot for ideas. I can take pictures if that would help. Any suggestions?