Quark Mini AA WW Lo-mode Runtime - can we compare notes?


Apr 21, 2009
A Place Called HOME
Would like to ask if anyone has done a runtime test on Lo-Mode of Quark Mini AA warm white?
Using Eneloop AA, my 1st test is 27.5 hours, and I've just finished the 2nd test which gives 27.8 hours. This is quite unexpected from the claimed 60 hours.

The light start to have diminishing brightness at hour 27 onwards. Freshly charged battery (1.44V) was used and test run until light shuts off (0.8xxV, xx because the Voltage is rebounding while taking the reading).

At ~hour 27.7, the brightness compare to Quark AA² XP-E NW on moon-mode...

Can we compare notes?
Interesting thread. I'd be interested in seeing if anyone has tried a runtime on low on the regular R5 version of the mini AA.
This is interesting since many reviews tend to skip the lowest mode runtimes. Waiting forward to the alkaline results.. :popcorn:
using Panasonic Evolta, runtime just passed 31.5 hours... and still going at what seems to be full lo-mode brightness. :) let's see if it will reach the 60 hours mark or beyond...

EDIT: btw, using Eneloop AA, running on Hi-mode, I get approx. 150 minutes of runtime (I stopped the test when it reach a brightness lower than Quark's moon-mode), with the light start to have diminishing output at approx. 100 minutes mark...
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Would like to ask if anyone has done a runtime test on Lo-Mode of Quark Mini AA warm white?
Using Eneloop AA, my 1st test is 27.5 hours, and I've just finished the 2nd test which gives 27.8 hours. This is quite unexpected from the claimed 60 hours.

The light start to have diminishing brightness at hour 27 onwards. Freshly charged battery (1.44V) was used and test run until light shuts off (0.8xxV, xx because the Voltage is rebounding while taking the reading).

At ~hour 27.7, the brightness compare to Quark AA² XP-E NW on moon-mode...

Can we compare notes?

Are you using the 2 Ah Eneloop? They may have done their test using a 2.7Ah one... I couldn't find any info on their site.
I can't wait to see your results for low on alkaline. I'm close to buying a mini AA myself but was disappointed to see no one else had done a runtime test for low.
No one's done a runtime test on low because it's not all that relevant - tiny differences in Vf/manufacturing cause big differences in runtime at low currents. If you had many copies of the Quark, you'd find a range of difference of roughly 20% in their low-mode runtimes. So whatever your final numbers are, they'll only serve as rough guidelines in regards to other Quarks..

And I've run my Quark Mini AA WW nonstop on high using an Energizer Lithium a couple times, in both instances it almost made it to four hours, which concurs with Selfbuilt's test numbers.
Are you using the 2 Ah Eneloop? They may have done their test using a 2.7Ah one... I couldn't find any info on their site.
hi red02, these are 2000mAh Eneloop that I'm using.

Edit: small update... it's now 37 hours...
ISO-80, f/2.7, Exp. 1/100

Left is Quark AA² XP-E NW, right is Mini AA ww,

Note: Just fyi, the 1st pic is taken with 1 sec exposure setting.
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And I've run my Quark Mini AA WW nonstop on high using an Energizer Lithium a couple times, in both instances it almost made it to four hours, which concurs with Selfbuilt's test numbers

Honestly, I'm not trying to split hairs or be annoying. I wanted to point out that in his review (link), on a Energizer e2 Lithium (L91) battery selfbuilt measured a runtime on high of 3hr 35min to 50%

link to graph: http://i243.photobucket.com/albums/ff97/selfbuilt/MiniAA-HiL91.gif
Honestly, I'm not trying to split hairs or be annoying. I wanted to point out that in his review (link), on a Energizer e2 Lithium (L91) battery selfbuilt measured a runtime on high of 3hr 35min to 50%

Right, but there's no way to tell what's 50% by the eye if you're using the flashlight as a light source; the higher the output mode, the less the Vf/manufacturing differences come into play, so I'd say 3:35 is probably very accurate.
Heh, seems like that alkaline beats :twak: eneloop by quite a bit at that discharge current.
56 hours...

some time between 48-56 hours, brightness drop to lower than Quark's moon-mode, I guess I can still use this brightness at really really close range (map reading?) and in pitch black environment... but will let it run down or 'till it reaches 60 hours mark... :whistle:

EDIT: fwiw, while taking the picture, from my camera LCD display, I can see there is a slow pulsing from the MiniAA LED... :eek:oo:
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ok... manually stop at 60 hours + 5 minutes...
no leaky battery... :thumbsup:

a pic of the LED brightness at 60 hours... sorry, low quality pic... still dunno how to adjust the camera settings for best picture capture using my phone...

if anyone else is doing similar testing, appreciate your sharing of testing results... :)
Very Interesting Thread here !


Here are MY results.

4Sevens Q-MiNi AA (warm-white) XP-G Q5 emitter.
Fresh-outta'-the-package Maxell Alkaline cell, testing 1.615volt, (no load).

Relative Brightness tested using my (30 year old) Minolta AutoFlash Meter III (digital)

Start of test ---------- 100 % Brightness

32 Hours -------------- 100 %

33.33 Hours ---------- Brightness has dropped 0.3 f/stop. Still 80 %

34.33 Hours ---------- Brightness has dropped 1 f/stop. That's 50 %

*** test concluded ***

Was NOT interested in running past 50 %. This told me what i wanted to know.

Note: Company's published run-times were stated to be with "the included battery".
That would be a Duracell Coppertop Alkaline. (made in China)

i *believe* they stated run-times to be "to 50 %" of original brightness.

Thank you to everyone who shares our interest in these LOW tests !


Are you using the 2 Ah Eneloop?
They may have done their test using a 2.7Ah one... I couldn't find any info on their site.

You have made this statement, both here, and elsewhere.

It is incorrect. :shakehead

There IS no Eneloop with 2.7Ah capacity.

Perhaps you are confusing it with a Sanyo 2700 NiMH cell ? ? ?

Those are NOT Eneloops. Those are NOT "low-self-discharge" cells.

Hope we can avoid any further confusion on this matter.
