quark turbo problem


Mar 31, 2010
Long Island
i have the 18650 tube and the head is extremely tight and so i cant get the battery out is there something i can do to loosen the head like heating or cooling down the body? thanks in advance for the help
the tail cap does but the head is stuck on the body

I believe that is the cause of not lubricating the threads and they are more or less permanently locked. Thats is from my experience and also from others, when my fenix L2d (first HQ light) was locked i had completely destroyed it using a vice and heavy duty pliers. It didn't even budge. i even went to blow torching the light so it was very hot than using liquid co2 to cool the head rapidly to make the metal compress. while the body was still expanded, and still not even a budge, sorry for the bad news. but id still try.
try wrapping the body in a towel with ice and blow drying the head. you could also try loosening with strap wrenches, which should do the least damage to the light. before you use anything like a vise or wrench, wrap the parts with masking tape to minimize damage. good luck :)
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