CuTi TS10 goes rogue Turbo

CuTiTS-10 threads update:

From new in box, after about ten flashlight head full on-off threading cycles there is a fairly large buildup of fine copper shavings within the thread depths. The light has operated perfectly but it's clear thread TLC cleaning and lubing is a necessity until the Ti finally cuts its wear pattern into the Cu head. It's something Wurkkos QC should have caught. I reason it's a normal break in between hard and soft threads but it would be a bonus if this extra care was done by the factory.

Is there anyone who recommends regularly installing and replacing cells by unscrewing the tail (switch) end of the TS-10? I learned the hard way from years past with my experience with the classic FW3A that you NEVER open it by the tail (possible the switch stops working properly) so I'm hard wired to use the head end ONLY for battery swaps with any light that uses an eswitch tail and signal sleeve around the cell (KR4, FWXX).

I'm afraid to damage the TS-10 but I'd rather not submit the Cu and Ti threads to continuous wear. Hopefully the head threads will reach a wear pattern and stop "shedding".

Thanks Jon for calling attention to this.

Very surprised to hear about the tailcap issue.
I only have the basic black aluminum TS10.
But the tailcap is buttery smooth to use.
TS10 has a glued tail and lose parts that fall out if you manage to crack it open.

That was exactly what I experienced with the Fw3a. The printed instructions make absolutely no specific recommendations (removing head or tail) for replacing cells, only a caution about correct polarity. It does, however recommend loosening the tail 1/4 turn as a physical lockout for storage. For me, in keeping with my conditioning am going to leave the tail the heck alone.