Help me understand the popularity of the TS10

you misinterpreted my message.
I dont think so, LOL

what I wrote about RGB utility, was for the benefit of the masses, not directed at you ;-). I realize you already appreciate the temptation of RGB

> I'm having a hard time not hitting the buy now.

About 2 hours ago, I resembled your predicament

I have since managed to resist because I reminded Self that I dont love the stock LEDs. And Im waiting for my TiCu TS10 and my Red w Red TS10, to get back from modding to DeDomed 519a 4500K

As I sit here with my MAO TS10 w sw45k mod.

Tint Snob, that I am ;-)

Plus a Silver TS10 w orange aux and stock 6000K.. for research purposes.. LOL

so, I agree, I need another TS10 like another hole in the head

but.. I dont have any stock RGB Aluminium.. LOL

so.. what am I waiting for?
dont I deserve one? ;-)

And, for those who appreciate the irrational reasons for buying bling, there are also more TiCu in stock..

FOMO is strong w these..

I know you understand

it seems I buy multiple TS10, the way some people buy Zebras.. LOL
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I dont think so, LOL

what I wrote about RGB utility, was for the benefit of the masses, not directed at you ;-). I realize you already appreciate the temptation of RGB

> I'm having a hard time not hitting the buy now.

About 2 hours ago, I resembled your predicament

I have since managed to resist because I reminded Self that I dont love the stock LEDs. And Im waiting for my TiCu TS10 and my Red w Red TS10, to get back from modding to DeDomed 519a 4500K

As I sit here with my MAO TS10 w sw45k mod.

Tint Snob, that I am ;-)

Plus a Silver TS10 w orange aux and stock 6000K.. for research purposes.. LOL

so, I agree, I need another TS10 like another hole in the head

but.. I dont have any stock RGB Aluminium.. LOL

FOMO is strong w these..
Ya. I am surprised to hear that you don't like the stock emitters though. They're my close 2nd behind the dedomed 5000k 519a. I love these little guys.
Plus just yesterday I bought a DM11. That's enough spending for a while. It will be my first Hank and first RGB
I prefer Tint below BBL, same reason why I prefer DeDomed 519a ;-)

> I bought a DM11

congrats! which LED?
My 4000k emitters are a tiny bit rosy. Not as much as a 5000k dedome 519a. But still very nice. Nicer than sst-20 4000k.

Thanks. I wanted to try one of these new fangled 6v high effiency emitters so I went with xhp50.3 hi 4000k. Was 3 days debating between that and the b35am. I wanted a more rounded beam instead of a dedicated thrower which is why I went with a bigger emitter. Also went with the floodier optic installed, but got the spot one included as well. Time will tell whether I made a good emitter choice. I'd have probably enjoyed the b35am more, but wanted the xhp for some reason
My 4000k emitters are a tiny bit rosy.
glad you were lucky.. this one is 0.0027 above the BBL, I sent it out for replacement w DD 519a 4500K

This next one is the sw45k, which im very fond of, DUV -0.0035, below the BBL:

Im tickled pink by its tint.. ;-)
thought you might appreciate this:

Aluminium TS10 sustains 400 lumens for 4 minutes, ceiling 120
Ti sustains about 225 lumens, ceiling 90
View attachment 55718
Nice. My aluminium 4000k with ceiling set at 120 goes to 453 lumens for 2 minutes before it starts dropping fast to around 65% and stays there. I ended the test at 3 mins. Temp ceiling set to 55c. Did you use a fan? Mine was uncooled
I did a second one with a small fan and stopped the test after 7 minutes. There was no measurable drop by then and light was still putting out 445 lumens.
For some reason ceiling bounce isn't saving a picture of a graph. Just the raw data. I'll have to look at it. But the main screen still showed the info
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with a small fan and stopped the test after 7 minutes. There was no measurable drop by then and light was still putting out 445 lumens.
thanks for sharing info

now Im curious what the corresponding ceiling number will be for the new Aluminium TS10 V2, w RGB.. It probably uses the same firmware and ramp spacing as the Ti model..

> Did you use a fan?

good question,
dont know
not my data
thanks for sharing info

now Im curious what the corresponding ceiling number will be for the new Aluminium TS10 V2, w RGB.. It probably uses the same firmware and ramp spacing as the Ti model..

> Did you use a fan?

good question,
dont know
not my data
Well I convinced a friend to get the new v2 model, with the possibility of me trading him my orange aux one, so maybe we'll see.
I like my TS10. It does everything I need from a EDC. Unlike others here, my EDC doesn't get tons of use. If I know I need a light, I will grab something with a larger battery and a beam shape designed for the job at hand. My EDC is for when I don't think I will need a light. It often gets used for things like checking under the car when something gets dropped, walking into the kid's bedrooms after they are asleep (LEGO's hurt to step on!), looking in the dark area of the basement, and so on. If my light is on for 60 seconds throughout the day then that's a heavy use day for my EDC.
Even though the AUX LED's are a bit gimmicky, I actually find them useful when traveling. Having the dim LUX LED's turned on makes it easy to find my light when I'm in an unfamiliar location. The very low low is extremely useful when the kids are asleep, and the high/turbo is occasionally useful too. I probably use .1 to 30 lumens most of the time. The beam is warm, wide, and nice to look at. It's small, light, and slippery in my pocket.
Because of my use case, I don't need something that will put out hundreds of lumens for hours at end. I want something that will disappear into my pocket because many days it never even gets used. It's also cheap enough so that if I lose it it's no big deal.