question ablout my new Z2


Newly Enlightened
Feb 13, 2005
Farmington Hills MI
hello all
I am a recently dicovering just how fun flashlights are, my first "real" flashlight (other than the two dozen or so M@Glights ive had over the years) is this little Surefire Z2 that I just bought this weekend. I love this light! Having said that, just like every other red blooded american male,(no offense to the non Yank members of this forum) I just can't leave well enough alone. I am looking to purchase the A19 and convert it to 3 cells. I am also playing with the idea of getting the brighter lamp assembly, and that brings me to my question(s) If I convert to three battswith the A19, I have to get the P91 as oposed to the P61 right? and if I want to get a turbohead it will have to be the KT2-BK?? I asked the kid at the store I bought the light from and he was useless "I dunno /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/confused.gif" SO any help/advice I can get would be most appreciated.
With the three cells you can use the P90 (105 lumens) or P91 (200 lumens). The KT1 & KT2 are the same head but the KT1 comes with an N1 2 cell lamp and the KT2 comes with the N2 three cell lamp. I would recommend looking at the SRTH head as it has a tighter beam and is lighter.
The only drawback to the A19 is that it eleminates the ability to use the combat grip anymore. If only it fit on the head of the light instead of the tail.... But you get more light.

The Z2 was my first real flashlight as well.

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