I just received a budget light off Amazon that advertises 5000 lumens and a XHP 70.3 emitter\LED. The instructions say it is powered by 2 26650 cells, but it came with a battery pack that has 2 26650 cells wrapped up, one on top of the other. So it looks like a long 26650! The battery is rated at 3.7v 10000 mAh. This is 2 26650 batteries connected in parallel which I find kind of odd. I would have thought they would have been connected in series where it becomes a 7.2v 5000 mAh battery pack. I am going to assume that if I actually do put 2 separate 26650 cells in this thing, it is going to burn out the emitter or the driver board, correct?? The instructions that came with the light are vague, and just say it will run on 2 26650's or 2 18650's.