Question about ordering Fenix P2D

[email protected]

Newly Enlightened
Nov 27, 2007
So I have finally made my decision to buy the Fenix P2D. When I go to there website there are a few options on the same light.

1. Natural finish vs. black finish:
Both pictures look identical. Is the natural finish the same as the natural finish on the P1D?

2. When I click on the P2D, scrolling to the bottom gives me the option of ordering the premium edition.
Is this light better? Everything looks identical but it seems as though the lumen output has increased a bit. What is the deal with the premium version?

3. Is it worth buying rechargeable batteries?

4. Without going crazy into specifics, where is a good place to order batteries that are good and cheap (CR123)?
Looking for rechargeable or disposable.
Battery Junction seems to have some good deals.

Thanks for the info
1. The finish should be similar.
2. The Premium version has a more efficient LED. Either the Cree XR-E Q5 version or the Luxeon Rebel 100, the Rebel has a warmer tint and better color rendering but the Q5 has more output, seems like the Q5 is the only one available.
3. The rechargeable batteries have to be under 3.2v charged. The driver goes into direct drive above this voltage an you won't get the lower modes. The P3D is the only multimode one that will work, without problems, with normal Li-ion rechargeable batteries.
4. Fenix store has Primary batteries for sale, so does Surefire.

Don't forget the 8% off coupon, "CPF8"
It looks like I can find the premium version on ebay.
So is the premium a better light?

Again, this is my first light so I probably wont even notice the difference. If I am already spending the money I might as well get the better of the two.
It looks like I can find the premium version on ebay.
So is the premium a better light?

Again, this is my first light so I probably wont even notice the difference. If I am already spending the money I might as well get the better of the two.

I would recommend against ordering the light of ebay. I would order from a reputable store life fenix-store. It's usually the cheapest anyhow.

$55.20 shipped for premium natural finish
The p2d Rebel premium 100 has a better tint than Cree q5.

You will love the rebel 100 if you can get it.