Question on Peak Pacific HP vs Pacific UP


Flashlight Enthusiast
Jul 22, 2006
I posted this in the Peak forum but thought more might see it here.

Does anyone know how much more power the Peak Pacific ultra power version uses in comparision with the high power running an an AA cell? I have the HP version but am considering the UP version if the runtime does not drop drastically. Quickbeam posted a runtime of the HP version using an AA lithium and it was regulated for 12 hours! I would be willing to drop that in half or a little more to gain additional brightness but would not want to go much lower.

I beleive the HP version is said to use somewhere about 95 mA "to the LED". I roughly measured current draw on my HP Pacific and it was around 280 mA with 1.5 volts feeding the "circuit" - which jives given converter loss etc. Has anyone taken current measurements with an UP model? Thanks.

PS: I called Peak and was unable to get an answer which I thought was strange since they usually know all this.
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