Questions about modding a maglite 2c 4xq5


Newly Enlightened
Nov 4, 2007
Hi !
I want to start my first mod today, a quad-q5 mag 2c

i have 4 q5's, 4 mcr19xre and a modmags perfect quad heatsink

i got all parts now an have stll some questions...
is the bottom of the cree-leds conducticve or can i use just normal arctic silver thermal glue ?
are there any special tricks to center the reflectors and how do i fix them ?

thank you for your held an tips

ok i just solve my centering and fixing problems

now is my only question about the conductivity of the ground
ther are three metal covered areas
are all of them only for heatsinking ?
ok i just solve my centering and fixing problems

now is my only question about the conductivity of the ground
ther are three metal covered areas
are all of them only for heatsinking ?

The large center area on the underside of the CREE is the thermal path for heatsinking the LED The other two areas are the anode and cathode of the LED. You must either sever those connections to the bottom of the LED, or insulate them. Snipping off the four corners of the LED will work. Or, you can use a Dremel tool and grind off the connection points. You can see them if you look at the four corners. (It is a small dot in the corners.)

When you get the LED's prepared, test them with a multi-meter to ensure that you have actually severed the connections.