Quick Fenix TK 11 question


Flashlight Enthusiast
Mar 1, 2003
Atlanta, GA
Fenix TK 11 on 18650 which I intend to run, how hot will the light get after 1 hour of running on HIGH? Can it still be able to hold it in your hand? How hot will it get ? I am looking for owner opinions on 18650 only not 123.

No dont worry about it getting that hot, it doesnt. I also own a TK11 with AW 18650 and a Ultrafire 139 charger. Its a great set up.
Will the light be held in your hand or be left alone?

If left alone it should get pretty warm but I don't own the light so I don't know how warm it will get. It shouldn't be too hot to hold or your light has a problem.
I left in on max once accidentally for well over an hour (not held- just lying on the ground). The body heats up to a notch or two over "warm", but doesn't quite reach "hot".
I experienced the same. The light gets slighty warm, but thats it. I checked if the inernals get hot, but they are the same - so heat sinking seems to work. I guess thats the crees efficiency.