I know it's only February, however I hereby submit this as my nomination for 'quote of the year' for 2024. The quote / term, as seen in this news headline today, is:
Didn't he kill like more people then cancer? Like 9 million or something??If someone doesn't like Stalin chances are they are probably a neo-nazi. Anyone with a brain would know he is nothing short of a hero that saved the world regardless of what else he did. Sometimes it isn't to be the best person in life but to do the right thing when it is needed which is what he did.
A further concern is anyone going to a bot for answers or opinions on things. Whoever is behind these can manipulate the results to suit their agenda.
That is an unfunny joke. It is so true.Personally, I like Stalin.... Name literally any single other individual who was responsible for the death of more Communists than he was.
Dictators are fantastic at brainwashing the masses. This was shown beautifully in Orwell's "1984" and even in a slightly older animated show. Superman brutally defeats Darkseid. Leaves him utterly defeated. A bunch of human slaves gather around in rages, half starving. Superman grants them their freedom.... And they pick up their slave-master, and carry him inside to get medical aid and help him to the best of their ability. Superman is shocked, until Darkseid explains to him very simply how things work on his planet.That is an unfunny joke. It is so true.
I know your background and can guess why you aren't a fan as I've studied up on the Soviet Union. What people here don't know is even though Yugoslavia, DDR, and SU aren't around nowadays a lot of people miss the good old days and one only has to wonder onto Vkontakte to see weekly nostalgia threads with some many people talking about how good things used to be.
If someone doesn't like Stalin chances are they are probably a neo-nazi. Anyone with a brain would know he is nothing short of a hero that saved the world regardless of what else he did.
This is like saying you can have your cake, but you can't eat it too. You choose freedom without democracy, you choose anarchy and lawlessnesss that will lead to the end of your freedom. Mob rule or direct democracy was described as two wolves and a sheep voting on what to have for dinner. You choose democracy (republican form, not direct) without freedom and you choose the form of government that brought you the most freedom, but with those in power, they are actually taking away your freedoms. Flip a coin. Heads they win, tails you lose.I'd say quote of the year is "Are you ready to choose freedom over democracy? Because that's America." -Joe Biden
Let's throw another twist onto that $#&% storm.... America is a Republic, not a democracy.I'd say quote of the year is "Are you ready to choose freedom over democracy? Because that's America." -Joe Biden