Ra Clicky EDC Exec. or Liteflux LF3XT ?


Newly Enlightened
Mar 24, 2010
Clovis, CA
Well its down to these two. Both have the low / low moonlight that I like. I was just going to get the Liteflux LF3XT, but the longer I wait the more I am drawn to the Ra Clicky EDC Executive - except that one thing about it - the "clip" (and no lanyard attachment). The Ra Clicky seems to be such an iconic type light though. Well thats where I am at. (By the way - this my first real EDC / travel / car light that I will have purchased other than just regular old household type stuff).
My vote goes for the LF3XT. I find the UI to be excellent and my light has performed well for close to two years. In all fairness, though, I have no experience with the Ra/EDC lights. From what I know I think my only complaint would be their larger size. But if indestructability is needed, then you better get a Ra.

Get both!!

I have two RA Clicky Customs and a LF3XT. I love the RA's and EDC the 170. I haven't been able to get into the LF3XT, not exactly sure why but part of it is the FUI, I haven't taken the time to learn how to set it up. So, if I were to do that and get it the way I want there is a chance I would love it more, but not more than the RA..
Get both and either keep both or sell/gift the one you like less. You won't lose much doing that and you'll get to check out two great lights. :thumbsup:
Get both and either keep both or sell/gift the one you like less. You won't lose much doing that and you'll get to check out two great lights. :thumbsup:

I will second this idea. At worst, you may lose a little on postage (if you decide to return instead of sell).
I have two Ra's and an LF3XT too and the choice is really hard. :eek:

The only good suggestion is to get both of them, use them for a while and then sell the one you like less but I would not count on selling either one. :D