Ra Clicky UI charted for your enjoyment (Options Menu Page Infancy is up)


Flashlight Enthusiast
Apr 18, 2008
There have been requests for a Ra Clicky UI flowchart. I decided to take this on as a weekend side project.

Please have a gander and point out any mistakes, or make suggestions on how I can make it better.


Document is an unfinished work in progress. I will post updates as I have them ready.
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Re: Ra Clicky UI charted for your enjoyment

WELL DONE Brother :twothumbs

Thanks for putting the time in on this. I like it alot :D
Re: Ra Clicky UI charted for your enjoyment

I don't have the light, but this looks a very useful aid. I hope Illumination will include a link to it in his thread.
Re: Ra Clicky UI charted for your enjoyment

I don't have the light, but this looks a very useful aid. I hope Illumination will include a link to it in his thread.

That would be fine by me, but let's wait until it's finished.
Edit: I guess it really doesn't matter.
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Re: Ra Clicky UI charted for your enjoyment

Well done, Awesome flowchart!

Look forward to the other pages :poke:
Re: Ra Clicky UI charted for your enjoyment

On quick glance it looks really good; several of the errors in the current NovaTac flow chart are corrected, so I think you're going to nail this one.

Re: Ra Clicky UI charted for your enjoyment

Page 1 - Main: updated
Page 2 - Brightness Control: added
Page 3 - Customization: infancy
Re: Ra Clicky UI charted for your enjoyment (Page 2 added)

You know, the more I think about it, the more I think I should separate page 1 into two separate pages. One for startup and resets, another for main operation. I might be able to get button lock and a few other things on there that way and also simplify the drawings at the same time. Maybe Customization should be two separate pages as well, that way I'll have plenty of room to get more information on the page.

My strange sense of fun is strange even to myself.
Re: Ra Clicky UI charted for your enjoyment (More updates)

Document is starting to take shape now.

I have split the original page 1 into two individual pages. Looks like there will be a total of 5 pages after everything is complete.

1. Power, Startup and Resets : Updated, reworked, more functionality added
2. Main Operation : Not yet reworked
3. Brightness Control: Small updates
4. Brightness Setting Customization: Infancy
5. Options Menu Customization: Not yet started
Re: Ra Clicky UI charted for your enjoyment (More updates)

Is it just me, or does the diagram on page 3 (Brightness Control) look like some sort of well-endowed robot alien? Completely unintended, but funny.
Re: Ra Clicky UI charted for your enjoyment (More updates)

Added a drawing of the Ra Clicky to be used in future diagrams.
Re: Ra Clicky UI charted for your enjoyment (Updates Pg. 1-2)

Page 1: Updated
Page 2: Reworked
Re: Ra Clicky UI charted for your enjoyment (Updates Pg. 1-2)

Great chart!:clap:
Re: Ra Clicky UI charted for your enjoyment (Updates Pg. 1-2)

You know you are a total nerdaflashaholic. Right? Props to you my friend, I dig the flow chart.
Re: Ra Clicky UI charted for your enjoyment (Updates Pg. 1-2)

You know you are a total nerdaflashaholic. Right? Props to you my friend, I dig the flow chart.

Yup, just polished off another bottle of nerdaflashahol.

Added page 4: Brightness Setting Customization