Ra / HDS Clicky burst mode enable / disable poll

Would you choose to "Enable" or "Disable" burst mode if it was an option?

  • "Enable" leave it as it is now, step down after 10 sec.

    Votes: 65 52.8%
  • "Disable" make it NOT step down after 10 seconds.

    Votes: 58 47.2%

  • Total voters

Captain Spaulding

Oct 25, 2009
Twin Falls, Idaho
In another thread, CaNo and I were discussing the HDS clicky burst mode feature. I for one like it, and him, not so much. Rather than taking that thread off topic, I got to thinking...

Hypothetically speaking, if one of the customization options were to "disable / enable" burst mode, how many people would actually disable it?

Something like this:

Options menu
1. Turn on preset
2. Button lock
3. Auto turn off
4. Locator flash
5. Momentary
6. Enable / disable burst mode
7. Customization turn off.

If "enable burst mode' makes the unit perform how it does now, and "disable burst mode" would make the unit NOT step down after 10 seconds, which would YOU choose?

I for one would leave it enabled as I like the feature. How about you?
When I first read about burst mode, before I even had a Clicky, I didn't like the idea of it. However, after receiving the light and using it, I really like the burst mode and would keep the light as-is, even if I could turn it off the burst feature.
When I first read about burst mode, before I even had a Clicky, I didn't like the idea of it. However, after receiving the light and using it, I really like the burst mode and would keep the light as-is, even if I could turn it off the burst feature.

What he said.
I like the idea of letting the user enable/disable the idea. I would have this mode disabled when I have easy access to batteries, but for camping trips, vacation, etc. it is always good to have available just incase you cannot charge batteries or buy them at a store. And you need to preserve the life of the battery. I can see the benefits, but at the same time, I like to keep things consistent. If I want full power from my light, I would expect nothing less than full power. It gets quite annoying at times when you have to turn the light on and off to get that full powered beam. People say that you do not notice it visually, but just having it in the back of your mind is enough to drive you wild lol

I guess the Cap'n said it best in my other thread "Different strokes, for different folks". As stated before, I would like to have the option to enable/disable this feature in my Ra / HDS light. :thumbsup:
That depends on which light we are talking about. I don't notice much differences with 100 high CRI or the 140 GT but when my 170 tactical goes one level down from burst it is pretty obvious and the tint turns slightly greenish. I for one don't mind having the burst mode for general use as I really only use it on somewhere near the low or medium settings and really only uses burst to see further so 10 seconds is enough. But there are times when I couldn't really make out what I see and needed more time to discern when my light step out of burst mode. Like I said above, the step down for the 170 is quite obvious and it frustrates me sometimes. I don't mind having the burst there but I wished it could hold for another 10 to 20 secs more as 10 secs is really too short, or like as per your suggestion, allow disabling of burst.
Depends what you mean by disabling burst mode.

Currently, I get 10 seconds of 170 lumens followed by 120 lumens continuous. Disabling burst mode to me means that you'd get a maximum of 120 lumens, and no 170 option at all.

Of course we would all like a 170T that ran at a full 170 lumens all the time, but the reality is that max. continuous on this light is 120 lumens. Not stepping down isn't an option - you'd get seriously compromised runtime and possibly heat dissipation issues.
By disabling burst mode I mean that if you currently have a 170T and you disable burst mode, the light would run at 170 WITHOUT stepping down to 120 after 10 seconds. You would have whatever your lights' maximum output is until the light either has to step down because of heat, or has to step down because the cell is too depleted to maintain the 170 lumens.

Yes, this would definitely compromise run time and heat will be an issue, but I am wondering how many people would still like to disable burst mode...

Thats the idea of the poll, who would be willing to trade runtime for full maximum without the 10 second step down...
Woops... voted for the wrong one. I meant to vote that I would leave it as it is now. 10-seconds is plenty long to identify whatever I need to, so having the light drop down from 100 to 70 lumens (I have the high CRI Clicky) is fine, because after that 10-second burst, I really don't need the full output any more.
It gets quite annoying at times when you have to turn the light on and off to get that full powered beam.
You don't have to turn it off and on. Once it steps down you can simply execute the press-hold-release to enter burst mode again.
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I dont notice the stepdown most of the time so I would leave it alone. If im using my 100Ehc im usually walking a dark trail on my property and dont need full power all the time. With my 170T, I am usually at work or just using it to augment my high cri, but either way it is normally only used in momentary mode and isn't on long enough to step down.
I wonder what percentage of the people who dislike the burst mode have an HDS.

Now, I know some who have one dislike it (Like Andy above). I also know that some who dislike it so have never experienced it.

I barely notice the stepdown in my 170, I mean barely. If I am not looking for it, or looking away, I do not notice it at all.

Maybe I am lucky, and this is abnormal. I do not know. I, for one, like the burst mode and would not disable it.
I would, however, like the option to disable it to be available, if only for those who so vehemently dislike the stepdown.
I was one of those people who didn't like it. I didn't like the idea of my flashlight doing my thinking for me. But I have it and I don't mind it at all.

However I *DO* like the idea of letting the user decide if they want to keep it at maximum output. So I guess the better question would be "Should there be an option to enable/disable stepdown - Yes/No"
I'm all for the step down. I have the edc 140's and Twisty's and hardly notice it; I also prefer the longer runtime it gives...

But that's just me as I'm more into "only what's needed" light and runtime vs full-on lumens! I imagine folks that need bright (LEO's, S&R, etc) would appreciate the option. I can definitely see the value in giving users the option, although how would that work with the thermal stepdown in the HDS lights?
I voted "disable".
Not so much because I want to actually set it to be disabled most of the time, but I do want the option to switch in on/off.
I barely notice the stepdown in my 170, I mean barely. If I am not looking for it, or looking away, I do not notice it at all.

Maybe I am lucky...
In that case, we're both lucky. When I first got my Clicky and was testing out the burst mode and was waving the light around, I was disappointed that it didn't step down after 10-seconds, and I began to think it was faulty. Then I pressed the switch and was surprised to see the light jump in brightness, so it did step down and I just hadn't noticed! Only time I notice is if I'm actively looking for it.
I wonder what percentage of the people who dislike the burst mode have an HDS....

I was one of those people who didn't like it. I didn't like the idea of my flashlight doing my thinking for me. But I have it and I don't mind it at all.

However I *DO* like the idea of letting the user decide if they want to keep it at maximum output. So I guess the better question would be "Should there be an option to enable/disable stepdown - Yes/No"

KDOG3 and iacchus, good points. I bet a fair percentage of people dont like the idea of an auto step down before they actually own one and see for themselves.

As for the question: "Should there be an option to enable/disable stepdown - Yes/No" , I didnt word it this way because it seems to me that NOBODY would complain of the option being there. Everyone likes options!:eek:

I figured that everyone would welcome the option, but not everyone would choose to disable it if it was there... So, hypothetically, if the option WAS there, would you have it "enabled" most of the time, or "disabled" most of the time?

At this point with only 45 votes, I find it interesting that 31% of the voters would give up runtime in exchange for no 10 second step down... :thinking:

Guess it goes back to the classic question that has been posed several times in this forum: Lumens VS Runtime...
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I think regardless of what we want, the thermo management of the circuitry would shut it down pretty quick at the sustained burst level.
I think regardless of what we want, the thermo management of the circuitry would shut it down pretty quick at the sustained burst level.

How quickly though? I guess I can sit here while watching TV and continue to press and hold to invoke burst over and over again every 8 seconds to see how long before it gets warm enough to step down... hmmmm....

My GF is going to REALLY think Ive gone over the edge now! :tinfoil: