RadioShack to carry Q3 clone?


May 13, 2004
Ottawa, ON, Canada
I've been cruising around looking for information on Nuwai products, and finding out the various names under which they are distributed. For those unfamiliar, I'll briefly summarize...

Shykuang manufacters the lights and Nuwai distributes them. The same products may also appear under various other brand names, which is where RadioShack comes in.

RadioShack currently sells an LED/Xenon light under the brand Nexxtech, and I've read the fine print on the packaging that says it's manufactured by a company called Orbyx. A pic of the flashlight is seen here. Going to Nuwai's site, you can see their light here.

OK, so Nuwai is the trading company who deals with Shykuang and possibly another company called Orbyx.

My real question is this, looking at this upcomming product on pictured and profiled here, it looks remarkably like the familiar Nuwai Q3, it has a slightly different knurling and bezel, but it is advertized with the same features. My question is whether this RadioShack light is actually the Nuwai Q3 or merely a clone. If we assume RadioShack carries some Nuwai products under the Nexxtech brand, why does this light appear slightly different? Does Nexxtech just wish to have their own "edition" of the Q3? Or is Nexxtech dealing with a company that is just mimicking the Q3 (Orbyx)? I've sort of lost track of all the names under which the same products are being marketed.

Any thoughts?
That is the Q3 that radio shack is selling. A source has told me that radio shack has just purchased 10,000 pcs of Nuwai Q3 for their stores.
Damn! It's threads like these that make me wish I was in Canada. Radio Shacks in the States SUCK and as such our only source for NexxTech flashlights is Circuit City. The pic in RadioShack's site certainly looks like the venerable QIII and it's a 3 watt no less. To be honest, it's probably the same light with just a different badge.
moephiues said:
That is the Q3 that radio shack is selling. A source has told me that radio shack has just purchased 10,000 pcs of Nuwai Q3 for their stores.

[/ QUOTE ]

They bought 10000 pcs and can't have a better price than $69.99cdn? Must have a *huge* markup. Should ask eTendue if he has a deal for 10000 pcs /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/naughty.gif
Yes finally a public retailer of Q3s! Ditto on the RatShacks in the states. Nothing good.
Back in the mid 80s there was an admission on the part of a Radio Shack executive that their markup was tremendous. T his is not hearsay; it wound up being published in a book by said executive. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/icon15.gif
Great reasearch!
I was going to post request for a QIII on the B/S/T tonight, now I will just haunt my local Radio Shack.
CountyComm says at the bottom of their CPF page that they do not ship outside the US. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/frown.gif

I've ordered from the states before and you must factor in shipping & handling charges, which are usually stated. As a Canadian though, the most annoying thing you'll encounter is'll have to pay UPS or whoever the GST when you receive the parcel. So whatever you've paid for the light, factor in another 7% for the government. Solstice has a point though, after all that, I doubt it would cost you more than $50 CDN to purchase a Nuwai Q3 online somewhere.

Of course, if you go the eBay route you can get way better prices. I had pretty much exhausted my available funds, then I saw a Q3 for sale by a seller in Ontario for $19.99 CDN plus S&H which would be low since I'm in the same province /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/ohgeez.gif The item was only available to Canada as well, so that would cut down on the number of bids, but alas the auction is over and my funds are still dry. If you check the calendar though...I may be in store for some flashlight gifts as soon as tomorrow /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/wink.gif
My Q3 came from etunue a month back when he had his sale.
Cost me $43 Cdn total....shipped from Korea in 4 days! No taxes. Don't buy from Radio Shack. Have ship it to Ksbman, he will forward it.
I would pay Radio Shacks price, also that will allow me to compare a few before choosing. I have no paypal yet so it makes my purchases a bit sparce, and also alowing me to deal with some great merchants!
Radio Shack here does suck.. had to paid an extra $10 for
a Squirt EL cause Leatherman only makes them for Radio Shack...
Pydpiper- not trying to discourage from buying the light at Radio Shack or anything, but I just wanted to let you know that if any precident has been set with the Nuwai brand version if this light, it comes in a "plastic hell" aka, tough, sealed packaging that is impossible to open without scissors, thus negating your ability to test and handpick for tint, brightness, etc. While the paypal thing may be an issue, you might drop a line to 3rd shift or goldserve (who I know is in Canada)- I bought a 2 stage TWOJ modded QIII off goldserve for that same price of $70, and these 2 mods make the QIII a MUCH better light. 3rd shift was selling TWOJ modded ones for $52, not sure on his shipping policies though.
I also ordered mine from eTendue and it got here with no brokerage fees and no taxes as well. 69.99 + taxes = $80 /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/eek.gif
You can get 2 QIIIs for that price!!
That Radio Shack light looks like it has a shortened version of the TM-301X-3 body, with a shorter tailcap. Thats one of my problems with the "Q3" is that tightening the pocket clip makes it scratch the finish on the tailcap when you turn it.
If you're patient, Radio Shack Canada usually has sales on overpriced items like this. I'll bet that about six months after being introduced, it'll be available for about $49.99, or $20 off. These sales usually last about two weeks, or about the length of time that their sales flyers last.

BTW, 1 Canadian dollar is worth US$ 0.825466

or 1 US dollar = C$ 1.21154

Try for a neat currency converter

Nuwai International LTD. is the company you are trying to figure a name for. They will make special runs of flashlights for the 'big' customers. Sometimes they will take a flashlight (like the Q-3) and just change the outside a little, so it appears to be a completely different model. Then, USUALLY, other companies will not be able to buy it. I looked at the pic for the Radio Shack model, and it seems to be a cross between that 'other' model and the regular Q-3.
They also have two different internet sites. The (I believe) was more for 'the world at large' while the was aimed more for the North American flashaholics. Now, they seem to be merging with many of the 'worlds' models becomming popular in the USA and Canada.

I know, Wayne, at AmondoTech is supposed to be the new big cheese in the North America, but he seems pretty busy pushing his own items on his own store!

So, should you have any additional questions, leave them on this thread, and I will try and check back and answer them. Don't be too upset if a day goes by...I am busy selling some Nuwai products on Ebay. I am selling them there, because I didn't want to use the FORUM for my personal gain. Now, I see so many other people and companies using the FORUM...I may eventually start opening my own threads and sell some items here. MUCH less competition here, compared to ebay!

Hope this helps...a little.

Take care,

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