raggies random remarks ....

i find places close buy but way in the woods poppy but i hear a wolf pack or something out there lol id be ok with wolkk but what if there some kind of crazy humans lol
I literally laughed out loud when "the Survivor Man" did a video during Covid where he was marching around in the wild, and it was dusk and getting time to find shelter. He found a place that "looked good" to bed down for the night. Then he opened the front door to his house.

Enjoy yourself, but don't be a pig for punishment.

Sorry to say... I'm a fair weather camper.
im in ga but im looking at alabama for real its the only lights i see in back yard... ni love my back yard i can see alabama but im in gerogia lol. soon as they cross the river there in another state cops cant do anything on bridge due to the medidain
You want crazy humans? Come by my neck of the woods here in New York City. These free roaming lunatics don't even know what gender they are. Apparently they don't know how zippers work.... Otherwise they could undo their pants, lower their underwear, look down, and know the answer.
Motorcycle advice I still have my 2023 rebel 500 she runs like a top should I keep her? I could use the money and I still have my ebike to get around unless I need to go to a real town. So should I sell it or keep it? Also should I have basic insurance on her or full coverage basic is 75 a year the full stuff is like 575 a year
I ask only because my mind gives me bad advice . I have to quit listening to it lol. I never know how dumb my ideas are till years latter
Motorcycle advice I still have my 2023 rebel 500 she runs like a top should I keep her? I could use the money and I still have my ebike to get around unless I need to go to a real town. So should I sell it or keep it? Also should I have basic insurance on her or full coverage basic is 75 a year the full stuff is like 575 a year

How often do you travel out of your ebike's capability? Do you have someone that can help you with transportation?
I did travel a lot but I ño longer do. But if I do find a new psychological doctor it will be like 70 miles away we have non in my small town. But maybe I can see a doctor online I don't want meds and won't take them anyways they have to many side effects. . I love my motorcycle but I wonder if I need it
Btw these questions may sound silly . My mind is a weird thing. It works great if I'm fixing something or building something but it sucks at common sense. When dad was still alive I'd ask him. Or the helpers the state or city used to send out I know longer have either resource dad is dead . We have no city or state helpers any more. . I'd ask locals but I'm afraid to open up I don't think small towns understand less the perfect minds . . I'm trying to get my life better lo e u all
Depends on how bad you need the cash.
Is it to keep a roof and you gots no other choice? Sure.

But, if it's just because you are low on funds, I wouldn't. The motorbike offers options, mostly range. You never know when you'll need that option. Don't put it on the chopping block unless you must and have no better choice. Also, it gives you joy. I am always loathe to rid myself of joy.

Basic insurance. You're handy so you say. Chances are if you need to repair it, it'd be way cheaper to do it yourself. Full insurance would lose you money in the long run, and it's not a main means of transportation, so doesn't need to be protected so costly.
Basic insurance and put back a few bucks plus to save against future issues when you'll need it.

That's my take anyway.
Lol I'm also thinking of renting my home out then living in my shed. I don't need fancy .but money would help
Bad idea... I imagine you could end up with Tennants that might take advantage of you, heard of it happening before albeit to an older man who later ended up in a Nursing Home (Alzheimers).

Tried house sharing once, wasn't great as they helped themselves to my groceries and gaming console when I was away, spliting utility bills wasn't fun either.
Lol I'm also thinking of renting my home out then living in my shed. I don't need fancy .but money would help
No, that's a bad idea. Very bad idea. Don't live in your shed.

As far as the bike goes, iacchus beat me to it. I'll just add a +1 to what he said. Instead of renting out your house, if money is indeed a bit tight, would it be possible to rent out one room in your house instead?
Selling off possessions is a short-term fix. It won't take long till they're all gone.

Renting your house and living in a shed is crazy talk.

Renting a room means you'll be renting every room in your house except your bedroom.

I think you should spend time and energy coming up with ways to earn more money. Maybe start by letting your neighbors know you're good at repairing things. Look around your neighborhood. Are there lawns that constantly need to be mowed? You know what you're good at. Try to get some side hustles going.
Small engine repair is always a solid side gig if your good at it (and don't give away too much work for free).
Computer repair/programming? Helping your seasoned neighbors set up their e-mail accounts ...... raggie33, you know your strengths. Start there.

Is signing up for Social Security an option? Lots of people sign up before reaching 65.