Raptor RRT1, Catapult, or Tiablo A10, A9?


Newly Enlightened
Jul 22, 2010
Perth, Western Australia
I have been looking at a few different lights to purchase and im looking for a light that has good throw with a bit of spill. lights i have been considering are:
-Jetbeam raptor RRT1
-Thrunite catapult
-Tiablo A10 or A9
i like the size of the raptor but didn't want something as big as the mx1.
if anyone could offer some advice on these lights or have other suggestions i could use some help in deciding.:thinking:
Jetbeam raptor RRT1, Catapult, Tiablo A10,A9

Trying to Decide on a light, im after a light with good throw and usable spill. im considering -Raptor RRt 1
-Tiablo A10 or A9
any suggestions or advice wouldd be appreciated. the mx1 is probably a little bigger than i want, and i havent really got too much restriction on budget.
thanks all for your input:twothumbs
Re: Jetbeam raptor RRT1, Catapult, Tiablo A10,A9

the catapult is bigger than the M1X, unless you use it without extension. then it will either use 1x18650 or 2xcr123. very bright still, but your not using it to its full potential. the spill is very bright, but not very wide. also there is a version 2 for the catapult.

the RRT-1 is a very good thrower, but has many rings, which you probably wont notice at a distance. best thing about the RRT is its selector ring, which is great to use.

tiablo A-10 is most likely the best thrower of the bunch.

you should also look at the dereelight DBS version3. about the same size as the RRT-1 and tiabo A-10. but the best thing about the dereelight is you have the option of just droping in a different "drop-in". you can have just about any type of emitter you want.
Re: Jetbeam raptor RRT1, Catapult, Tiablo A10,A9

you should also look at the dereelight DBS version3. about the same size as the RRT-1 and tiabo A-10. but the best thing about the dereelight is you have the option of just droping in a different "drop-in". you can have just about any type of emitter you want.

so how would the dereelight DBS perform againts the RRT-1 and A-10?
also what set up would you recommend getting with the DBS initially if i wanted good throw and usuble spill?:thinking:
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Re: Jetbeam raptor RRT1, Catapult, Tiablo A10,A9

I don't think the DBS can match the A10 (A10 along with Solarforce Masterpiece Pro-1 are currently tops in the non-aspheric thrower race).
You posted this twice, which is prohibited by Rule 9. I'm merging the 2 threads.

yeh sorry about that, the initial thread didn't come through so i posted it again. the next day it came up. my bad:oops:
Still in two minds about what light to get, i suppose it will come down to build and how user friendly each of them are.

I know the a10 has superior throw, but what is it like to own? build quality, how easy is it to use, that kind of thing. anyway ill check out the review link above. anyy input to make this decision easier would be great!:D
I want a new thrower, too. And once again, I'm looking at selfbuilt's threads. :twothumbs
of the four you listed the Cat is the only one that will offer you any real useful spill...the others will need diffusers to do much of anything in that department. i have the A9 and the Cat and get far more use out of the Cat even though its pretty big.

you might try Dereelight's DBS instead....buy one complete light (i would suggest the MC-E) along w/ a couple extra pills, reflectors, etc....and you'll have the means to make several lights from just a handful of parts...very easy.