Ray-O-Vac AAA rechargables in my Coleman AAA?


Apr 15, 2010
Flashlight City
I see mention of rechargeables in some LEDs, but also see mention that some types of rechargeables can give too much voltage for some LEDs.

I have some of these Ray-O-Vac Hybrid rechargeables in AAA that I never use - I use this brand of rechargables in my Digital camera in AA (and the pack came withs ome free AAA batteries at the time, which I have never really used).

They are NiMh. Will they work okay?

(here is the page about them: http://www.amazon.com/dp/B001KYFZ6Y/?tag=cpf0b6-20 )


Yes. In fact these will be better to use than alkaline in that flashlight.
Ok, cool!

be warned, the light may be brighter and get hotter using nimh and runtime will be less because the nimh can deliver more power under heavier loads than alkalines can, but it should be alright otherwise.
O, I won't use it for a long time at any one duration
I wouldn't go that far, just the first few times you use it see if it is getting rather hot. most likely it is not one of the direct drive models with no dropping resistor or linear regulator and can handle the nimh with ease. I have a few luxeon 3AAA LED lights that work perfectly both handheld and headlamps and I would "guess" the coleman is well enough made but some cheap chinese lights may be designed with alkalines in mind. turn it on for about 10 minutes and it should get warm to the touch but not anywhere near uncomfortably or surprisingly hot then you are fine.
Ok, thanks.

I want to see how much the light drops off over the duration. I want to replace my nightstand light from a Xenon 123 battery light to an LED. I am happy enough with this light to swop it out with another one of these.

My Inova XO3 doesn't have an off/on switch (it's a twist light), so it won't work while carrying a handgun when things go bump in the night - otherwise, I'd buy another Inova. For $26, this one seems to be a good deal.
Ok, thanks.

I want to see how much the light drops off over the duration. I want to replace my nightstand light from a Xenon 123 battery light to an LED. I am happy enough with this light to swop it out with another one of these.

My Inova XO3 doesn't have an off/on switch (it's a twist light), so it won't work while carrying a handgun when things go bump in the night - otherwise, I'd buy another Inova. For $26, this one seems to be a good deal.

most likely using nimh the light will slowly dim almost unnoticeably until the batteries are almost dead then drop quicker while alkalines will be a gradual drop to nothing starting from rather bright to falling off noticeably.
I removed the resistor from mine(led straight to battery pack), replaced the led with a Q5 and run duraloops in it. It is way brighter and does not get hot or tint shift. It is used regularly by my daughter.