I got bored and decided to do a test on my C9000.
I discharged 2 Hybrids and 2 Eneloops at 1A and then took them out of the charger to let them cool down.
Once they were cool, I placed them in the C9000, Hybrids in locations 1 & 2, Eneloops in 3 & 4, and charged at 2000 mA.
After 35 minutes, the temps (Celcius) were as follows:
32, 35, 31, 29
After 55 minutes, the temps (Celcius) were as follows:
34, 39, 34, 31
After charge termination (62/67/64/62 minutes) I couldn't keep my fingers on the Hybrids for more than 5 seconds, they were too hot.
The measurements are far from scientific, but do show that not all batteries are made the same.
I used my wife's candy thermometer (shhh, don't tell
) to get the temps. The thermometer was dipped it in cool water and dried off between each cell reading to cool it down.
I had expected the two middle cells would be warmer than the outer two cells just because of the charger design and the extra cooling capability of the outer cell chambers.