RayOVac Sportsman Extreme C - 150lumen on way..


Newly Enlightened
Jun 4, 2007
I feel like a kid waiting for Christmas. These things are only available in one place I know of - Meijers in Michigan. It happens I lived there and still have family there so my brother ran out and got 4 - 2 are FedExing their way to me and he and my pop (the original flashaholic) each got one. They put batteries in one tonight and described it as 'blinding'. Cool.

Can't wait. I plan to take the troublesome 2D maglights out of the cars and replace them with this smaller and much brighter one. The maglights are dead from sitting around, or have the filaments shaken out of them half the time I need them. Sitting in a car is rough on a bulb, I guess. But I still want a light with a metal body and enough heft to be used in a pinch as a baton. They said the thing feels heftier than an equivalent Mag - perfect.

Anyhow, I blame each and every one of you for this. You all must shoulder some of the responsibility - especially the posts about how nobody could get these C 4watts.....

man, I've been checking the flashlight section in stores around here every time I have a chance; in hopes of finding these things. These will be my LEDBEAM replacements(since the LEDBEAM switch is garbage and they all busted). going to buy at least 2-3 of em for power outages and general utility lights.
Any thoughts on best C battery to put in this? Store brand, or exotic? No rechargeables as I'll keep spares on hand and these lights will sit in the vehicles. Tx!

man, I've been checking the flashlight section in stores around here every time I have a chance; in hopes of finding these things. These will be my LEDBEAM replacements(since the LEDBEAM switch is garbage and they all busted). going to buy at least 2-3 of em for power outages and general utility lights.

hahaha a true flashaholic, not 1 but 2 or 3 of the same light.
Is it true that this light has a "reverse clicky"... rather than the m*glite type "forward clicky?"
This one is interesting for a cheap long runtime light if it works out!

Maybe this thing is why the local walmart seems to have clearance all its M@g brand LED lights for the most part.
I've got one and have done a runtime test as well as taken it to pieces to see what makes it tick.

Here's what I found:

There's no regulation, just a resistor (I measured ~0.7 ohms).
It has a reverse clickie switch.
The star is riveted in, but these can be drilled out if you want to upgrade (Q5, anyone) and screws can be used to attach the new star.
Heatsinking doesn't appear to be a problem.

Overall output (initial) was 40% greater than a U-bin SSC in a 2D mag driven by a 500mA Micropuck, but dropped quickly as the 3 C cells dropped in voltage.

Using the 5 minute output (which was 15% lower than at time ZERO) as a baseline, the 50% mark was reached at 5 hours 20 minutes. The 25% mark was reached at slightly over 17 hours.
I've got one and have done a runtime test as well as taken it to pieces to see what makes it tick.

Here's what I found:

There's no regulation, just a resistor (I measured ~0.7 ohms).
It has a reverse clickie switch.


if no regulation thn nimhs shoud help. maybe aa->c converter
I know how you feel, IdahoDoug. I was born and grew up in Detroit (near Eight Mile Road, if you saw the movie, though it wasn't that bad back in the 50's and 60's) and lived there until I graduated from college. But my brother's still in the Detroit area and picked up 3 of them for me. I'm waiting, too - they should be en route as I write this. My local WalMart only has the Rayvac Sportsman Xtreme 1W and 3W Luxeons, but I have plenty of those - and not enough Crees!
I worked for GM headquarters downtown and remember sections of 8 mile from the 80s. Some were getting better. Still no sign of the FedEx man so I'll have to get through the weekend with my Wolf Eyes Cree Explorer...:p

Heh, I guess we're everywhere - eh? Yeah, great light. Do you have Meijer's up there?

Guess I'm slightly behind with my Excel file that their service dept sent me listing ALL their available products.
Does anyone have any driver/emitter ideas for this yet. Maybe a Q5 driven at 800/1000ma would make this even nicer for a few more dollars.
Well, don't bother looking at the Meijer stores in Toledo, OH, at least the Central Avenue and Maumee stores. We bought them all! I bought myself one for christmas (last one at Central Ave). Before that, my favorite light was the River Rock 1.5W. Well, let me tell you, the ROV Xtreme 4 watt is just UNBELIEVABLE! The beam is tight but adjustable, and it is a mindblower. My brother was so impressed, he bought all 4 of the remaining stock at the Maumee, OH store.

They are on sale for $21.99 right now. GET IT, you will LOVE IT! Might have to wait a few days for another shipment though. This is hurt your eyes bright. Like one of the guys said, it may actually be too bright for close up work. And for goodness sake, don't shine the thing in your eyes, or anyone else's, you might not have night vision again for a few days!

I'm stunned with this thing. Love it!

I just got mine tonight and like it a lot for the price. I would have been MUCH happier with a forward clickie, and I will have to do something about the loose fitting rubber grip, and the batteries rattling around inside it, but this being my first cree (yeah, I know I'm behind), I like it. I may replace the C's with some lithium AA's and use these in my autos.

Has anyone replaced their grips yet? We should see what ideas we can come up with for that. I know tennis racquet grip would work... any other ideas?
I've been keeping an eye on my local WalMarts, Targets, etc. Haven't seen any of the RayOVac 4C's around here, but I ordered 3 direct from RayOVac. I put a Q5 in mine, gave the other two to my parents and my wife's parents. I keep it in our vehicle incase I want to spot a deer or something. :)
And for goodness sake, don't shine the thing in your eyes, or anyone else's, you might not have night vision again for a few days!
I've looked directly into 3 million candlepower spotlight beams before. The after effects of that only lasted a few minutes.

Can't imagine the ROV being any worse.