RC nuts of Cpf


Flashlight Enthusiast
Nov 16, 2007
Rhode Island
Who else has been to the HPI Racing site and seen the Brushless Savage prototype?:paypal:
Holy backflips batman!
I just saw it, darn near woke my brother up to see it.
I can't wait. I hope it's here for the holidays, plus it will be a good excuse to buy a really nice lipo capable R/C charger. If you've got any suggestions send me a pm. I wonder who is making the motor for that thing though. I know that they've teamed up with Castle Creations for the Flux line but I don't remember seeing anything like that in the Castle lineup. even so. 62 mph... lol, for an electric mt.:devil:
I have a Revo and am pretty much satisfied with it. Good to see other RC enthusiasts.

Wow !

That's a Awesome video !

Thank you for sharing this with us.

HEY . . . . we're only going to talk about RC CARS??? I have a nitro helicopter and a couple of lipo powered planes.
Lotsa brushless models here- A123 cells a good crossover for torches! The punch they pack through a Castle Mamba Monster into a Medusa is AWESOME!!!!
A great site to see more of these mods is RC-MONSTER.COM. Reasonably nice buncha guys and amazing mods to see...
I was into the whole rc thing for awhile until I bought a supermoto.....sold most of the toys off but I kept my Savage. My buddy had a company called TwistedToys that made a bunch of stuff for the hpi truck. He built me a nice basher then we tore it down and built it better......ran 5 tanks through it and its been sitting on the shelf for the last year and a half.....its for sale now..
Helis and Planes are cool too, I don't know too much about them. I've picked up a few heli mags here and there mostly to check it out, plus the heli guys seem to know a lot about servos. RTFs seem somewhat affordable now, I guess the thing that keeps me out of it is not being able to wrap my head around how the controls would work. I may have to look up a heli meet sometime.

Thanks for the link David, Know anyone with that Savage forward transmission setup?

I like the pics pcc. Whats going on with the battery-pack over the second servo?
Separate reciver pack? What did you guys do about the dual servo setup? I've been looking at the E-revo brushless. But I'm kind of put off by the dual servos.

Also good to hear from all the RC manaics here at CPF, Its good to know I'm not alone.
I like the pics pcc. Whats going on with the battery-pack over the second servo?
Separate reciver pack? What did you guys do about the dual servo setup? I've been looking at the E-revo brushless. But I'm kind of put off by the dual servos.

The BEC stopped working on the MM ESC and he got tired of waiting for a replacement (happened twice) so he just set it up so that the ESC does not provide BEC, hence the separate battery pack. As for the single steering servo, you can buy a Traxxas part to convert it to a single steering servo. Make sure to get a high-torque one.

The Revos have turned us around with regards to Traxxas products. Both my brother and I have bought used T-Maxxes and they both have been extremely fragile. The Revos have proven to be really rugged. We have both converted our nitro Revos into e-Revos but I have not completed mine so it sits, waiting for a suitable motor and ESC.

The same can be said about the HPI Savage. The only thing I hated about my Savage was trying to get the engine started.
I've heard that the bec on some of the castle products can be failure prone. that was one of my concerns when I saw such a high voltage ESC from them It might be helpful to look around for an inline bec for redundancy. I think quark makes a few.

Thanks for the single servo tip. That might sway my decision. So hows the truck. Are you able to keep the front wheels down? The wheelie/backflip thing the savage has going seems kinda cool, but it might get old eventually.
The Revo has a lower center of gravity compared to the Savage. In durability I'm going to guess that they're pretty close. The nitro Savage is pretty heavy compared to the nitro Revo but I don't know if this translates to the electric versions of the two trucks.

As far as keeping the front wheels down, yeah, pretty difficult. If you go more than 1/2 throttle from a standstill it wheelies uncontrollably. Even going down the street at speed you can make it wheelie. It's all about throttle control and programming the radio to slow down the initial throttle tip-in. Remember that a good driver makes it look like he's driving slow but is passing everyone that is sliding around on the track.
I may have to look up a heli meet sometime.

I can hook just about anyone up in their area. Each of you probably live within 25 miles of TWO RC airports and don't even know it! Plus there are a couple of GREAT sites for helis and planes. I never got into the cars much . . . I bought a Traxxas Stampede (2wd electric) for the kids. I played with it more than they did but now it just sits. It's a lot harder to get tired of the flying models, for me, anyway.
Oh boy I feel old reading this thread.

I have a Tamiya Sand Rover that I'm restoring. Saved up for it many years ago , used it, put a few dents in it, put it under the bed. Found it last year.
Now they call them "Vintage" ! Tamiya models.
my latest rc purchase,

very cool


i can tell you it feels exactly like the real thing.

i have many years flying in fields.

now i can practice all kinds of foolishness, and when i crash, 1 push of a button and im back in the air with a perfect model :)

Flashlights and R/C's are my two main hobbies, although I didn't get many chances to drive last summer due to a VXL ESC that needed to be warrantied and a terrible 40-45 hour workweek schedule of 2pm-11pm. I had to leave all my 1/10th scales at home, so I only see them about one weekend out of every month. I did pick up a RC18T roller on the cheap at the end of last summer to bring back, and then scored a R roller for nearly pocket change. The T is waiting on electronics and the R is still a WIP. I've been driving my Recoil Pro up until last week when it snowed and the city salted the streets.

If anyone is interested, feel free to check out my website (see sig) and I'll link you to my three mini build threads.
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