Renard DellaFave to mail
The information did include a question.
I would, at a minimum, request that the technical team get back to me about: are 500 and 1000mA discharge rates within the cell's ratings or not?
On Jan 7, 2008 9:59 PM, New Excite Shop <
[email protected]> wrote:
Dear Renard,
Thanks very much for your valuable information. We will pass the your
information to our technical team about the issue. Thanks again for
your support.
On Jan 8, 2008 3:19 AM, Renard DellaFave <
[email protected]> wrote:
> Hello, I'd like some information regarding the 10440 LiIon batteries I
> bought from your company.
> First, I have tested all four on a UBA-4 battery analyzer and get capacities
> of about 300mAh on each (200mA load) -- they are labeled 500mAh.
> If they are mis-labeled or over-represented, I actually do not have much
> problem with that.
> However, I have learned more about LiIon cells, and a drop in capacity below
> 80% for new cells can indicate internal damage, and these are at 60% _if_
> good ones would indeed test at 500mAh.
> Also, I would like a data sheet or other indication of max. rated discharge
> current, as I have been assuming 2C is OK and if not I need to know.