Really really slow strobe ?


Flashlight Enthusiast
Aug 23, 2005
Enable when you leave the house, just in case you drop the torch.

Thinking of perhaps one flash every minute, just in case you drop the torch.

Battery life....forever.

Either as an option, or as a keychain size light attached to torch, keys, whatever.

Is there such a beast ?

Is there a slow flashing led you can replace keychain led with ?

Perhaps also would work auto if and when torch batteries are too rundown for normal operation.
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The Arc4+ had this and people hated it. It's what a tritium marker is for. Or another light, to look for the first one with.
paulr said:
The Arc4+ had this and people hated it.

I've searched and can't find any negative comments, multiple or otherwise, and none about a slow strobe.

Do you have pointers ?
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paulr said:
The Arc4+ had this and people hated it. It's what a tritium marker is for. Or another light, to look for the first one with.
I have 2 Arcs and I have it enabled on both.
Why would one hate it ? I have it running fulltime and have one that is running in beacon mode for a few months aready now...

BTW, ANY current light can have this feature with FluPIC v2.2.... :naughty:
I've got'em all........

What were you thinking about modding ?

Cheers ! :rock:
HDS EDC lights have a locator beacon which flashes faintly every 3 seconds or so. I have mine enabled and it's both very useful and has negligible impact on battery life.
I think HDS and maybe the later Arc releases improved the implementation but the early Arc4+'s emitted an alarmingly bright pulse of light every 5 sec or so. It was obtrusive enough that it was annoying to try to sleep with the thing in the room. People did complain about it in the CPF threads of the era, though maybe I'm remembering the reaction as being stronger than it really was.

Right now I have a beat-up Merkava x1 glowring on my bedside light and it is just perfect for that purpose and would also be fine for finding the light outside if I dropped it. Alternatiely the PALight has a highly well regarded very dim steady glow that's supposed to run for years on a 9V cell. I find either of these approaches far preferable to any blinking light. If there has to be a blinking led, it should be red.
Some of my mobile phones have (had) a Network signal indicator, which flashes occasionaly, but too often for me.

But it's that sort of idea.
abvidledUK said:
Either as an option, or as a keychain size light attached to torch, keys, whatever.

Someone wrote a post a few months ago similar to this. He took a standard keyring light, took out the two 2016 cells and put in a 2032. He replaced the led with a slow self-flashing, low powered one from Maplins. I can't remember but I think he was getting something like 2 months from the battery.

If you are looking for a flashlight that will have a "locator" mode: A dim led that either blinks or stays on to locate the light in the dark and can run for months some options are:

HDS EDC Ultimate
Eternalight EliteMax (blue locator led can be programmed to blink or stay on)
Safelight (Uses 9v battery)
NiteIze IQ switch for Maglites (blinking red led in the switch)
Streamlight Nightcom (Has 1 locator led)


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