Emisar D4V2 just got really hot while off...


Newly Enlightened
Jul 27, 2010
So I bought the flashlight new last month. It has the solid brass body. The 18650 cell is a brand new LG green 10A from battery junction. I just checked the battery after about 3 weeks of it glowing the way that they do and it still shows full charge on my ZTS tester. (I'm new to this game and have carried for ~15+ years an HDS Rotary with primary cells. Super simple and safe.) Today the Emisar just got hot enough in moments to burn wood and blister my thumb! Could this happen if I accidentally dropped the cell in backwards? Any input appreciated. Thanks


Flashlight Enthusiast
May 10, 2007
I'd contact Hank and ask him and in the meantime, lock it out or leave the cell out. Sorry I don't have any other advice to offer.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Mar 31, 2015
> it still shows full charge on my ZTS tester

not familiar w that tester..

fwiw, your light has a battery check feature.. 3C from off.. suggest you read the manual

> Today the Emisar just got hot enough in moments to burn wood and blister my thumb!

scary! do you mean the light was OFF and got hot? if so, maybe your ZTS damaged the battery?

or do you mean the light got turned on to Turbo, and got hot?

> Could this happen if I accidentally dropped the cell in backwards?


Before you go asking Hank for help, try to clarify under what conditions the light got hot, and whether the ZTS was used incorrectly and damaged the battery...

bottom line, STOP using that battery, something is very wrong if it got hot without turning the light on. Put the battery in a fireproof location until you can take it to a safe battery recycling company (dont toss in domestic trash nor recycling bin).
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Newly Enlightened
Jul 27, 2010
This is the tester: https://www.batteryjunction.com/zts-mini-mbt.html

It was one of these batteries: https://www.batteryjunction.com/lg-mj1-inr-18650-batteries-4pack.html

I haven't accessed the advanced UI in order to unlock turbo either. Just in the simple UI as it comes from the factory. After checking the battery on the tester I put it back in and set it bezel down on a table. In just a minute or two it got crazy hot. I took the cell back out and let everything cool down. Couldn't believe and posted here. I now have a purple Samsung 18650 cell in the light that I have used in other lights over the past year without issues and everything seems fine now. I will recycle the green cell and be careful with the other three.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Mar 31, 2015
After checking the battery on the tester I put it back in and set it bezel down on a table. In just a minute or two it got crazy hot.
Just guessing:
Sounds like the Tester might have damaged the battery.. Maybe you used the Lithium Primary test, instead of the Lithium Ion test.. not sure.. but I would not use that Tester again... Suggest you use the built in battery check, and read the manual https://toykeeper.net/torches/fsm/anduril2/anduril-manual.txt

Glad you did not suffer any injury..

> I haven't accessed the advanced UI in order to unlock turbo either.

that does not guarantee that the light could not get turned on at a high enough level to get hot.. Some Anduril lights ship with the Simple mode Ceiling set to Turbo.. (I dont have an emissar, so cant check the output to predict how your light is setup)

does not sound like the light was On anyway.. very scary report.. and still a mystery what went wrong..

new info:
maybe the problem Was Actually caused by inserting the battery backwards..

here is a report of just that same situation..
"reversed battery, leads to very Hot light
reversed 18650 in d4v2, cell still works...

I left it in there for ~10 minutes before noticing, the flashlight was super hot (had to use a towel to open it and get the battery out)."

apparently I was mistaken to think the light has reverse polarity protection, so, maybe the issue had nothing to do with your battery tester

glad the light is working normally now, with a different battery.. my guess is your overheated battery might still be good.. if youre feeling lucky, put it back in the light and do the 3 click from off for battery voltage check..

If the voltage is above 2.5V, your battery is probably fine and I will go with the assumption that it got hot because you put it in backwards..

just my opinions, not an expert, though I may sound like one on the Internet.. LOL
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Newly Enlightened
Jul 27, 2010
Thank you for the input. I bet I put it in upside down and maybe even clicked it on inadvertently. I thought I was paying close attention but maybe too much to the basketball game.


Flashlight Enthusiast
Mar 31, 2015
I bet I put it in upside down
glad you caught it in time. It is certainly easy to confuse the flat top positive top end, with the similar looking negative bottom end

Im actually relieved to have learned that someone else had the same experience.. Not happy the light lacks reverse polarity protection.. that just seems Wrong! But now we know (I think). ;-)