Rechargable options for SF 2 cell lights-again


Newly Enlightened
Aug 18, 2006
I have read several threads on this topic, yet still have a couple of questions. So please forgive me for opening yet another thread... .

Anyways-I was wondering if there was any rechargable option for the SF 2 cell lights (6P, C2, M2), that would at least put out as much as the P61.
Preferably without boring the body and without using extenders. Im not a fan of extenders and would like to stick to the actual size.

Would protected RCR123s (3 Volts-as offered by Lighthound, for instance) be able to power the P61? If so, what kind of runtime could I expect? Would the light output be somewhat consistant, similar to primaries?

What about protected RCR123s (3.6 Volts)-would they work with a P91? I`ve never heard anyone mention this setup, so I`m guessing its a no-go?!

Are there other options, that would put out anything between 120-200 lumens? Runtime obviously isn`t much of an issue. If it lasts about 15-20 minutes, thats fine.

Thanks in advance. :)
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Akubra said:
Are there other options, that would put out anything between 120-200 lumens? Runtime obviously isn`t much of an issue. If it lasts about 15-20 minutes, thats fine.
The Lumens Factory EO-E2R, which is compatible with E2, E2E and E2O using 2 x RCR123a rechargeable batteries, is rated at 7.2V, 150 lumens, and is specified to as giving about 45 minutes of runtime.
Sounds pretty good, but I think its the wrong style lamp assembly. I mean it won`t work with a 6P/C2/M2, will it?

EDIT : just re-read your post, and only now realized that you pointed out that it would only fit the E-series. I guess thats what I get for posting half asleep, in the middle of the night......... . :whistle:
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Two 3.7V RCR123's will work with the P91 lamp, you most likely wont get the 20 minute run time since most RCR123 have a lower MAh rating than the primaries. And the same goes to running a P61 on the 3.0V RCR123's. I may be wrong maybe somebody who has more experience will chime in.
The P91 draws 2 amps, which is too powerful for RCR123s.

The Lumens Factory HO-9 draws 1.55 amps, which works with 2 of AW's 3.7v protected RCR123s. Runtime not great, but a LOT of light (320 bulb lumens) from a small package.

Or, as Glen C & nzgunnie say above, a 17670 with a LF EO-4.
DM51 said:
The P91 draws 2 amps, which is too powerful for RCR123s.

The Lumens Factory HO-9 draws 1.55 amps, which works with 2 of AW's 3.7v protected RCR123s. Runtime not great, but a LOT of light (320 bulb lumens) from a small package.

Or, as Glen C & nzgunnie say above, a 17670 with a LF EO-4.

Ok, what about the LF EO-4? Would that fit a C2 (6P, Z2 or M2)?

The 17670 is a direct fit-no need to bore the body, right? Would the EO-4 need the unprotected version, or would a protected one work as well?

Ummm, I really like the HO-9 idea too! Approx. 300 lumens sure sounds cool, yet a bit crazy. :naughty: Could you provide a runtime estimate for that setup? Between 5-10 minutes?

Looks like I may go for either or both of these options-both sound very tempting! ;)
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All the LF D26-series LAs are the same size.

17670 cells will fit SF bodies. You can bore SF bodies out to take 18650s but obviously this weakens them. The 18650 is a 2200mAH cell, the 17670 is 1600mAH. That is a difference, but not enough to justify the drastic measure of boring out IMO.

Always use protected cells for extra safety and peace of mind - you don't lose any power and the protection prevents overcharging, over-discharging and dangerous current draw.

HO-9 / 2 x RCR123 runtime: 21 minutes, last time I measured it. I use AW's 750mAH protected cells. This was in a Wolf Eyes Sniper; the light got warm but never too hot to hold. The heat was from the LA rather than the batteries.
Thanks for the responses, guys.

Both options sound pretty good, and I actually went ahead and ordered components for them. :naughty:

Well, I agree-I would not want to butcher my light by boring it. So 17670`s it is. And yes, protected rechargables are the way to go. I like peace of mind myself, so thats what Ive ordered... . :)

I can`t wait to get the stuff. :grin2:
I use the following with great success:
C2 / LF H09 / 2 Protected AW RCR123's.

Runtime is usually 22 -24 minutes.
Output is slightly less than the P90 after 20 minutes of runtime.
Lamp will still light on a single click after 20 minutes.

The LF lamps are designed to be more "throwy" as compared to the peripheal illumination offered by the P series - so its hard to compare them directly. To me on fresh batteries, the H09 is brighter than the P61 but then again, its easy to focus on a bright hotspot in contrast to the flood offered by the P61.

For me the above setup is pretty tough to beat for a 2 cell setup.
Ok-so Ive got the AW ICR123 cells (750mHa/protected), as well as the HO9 LA. Unfortunately this set up does not work in my SF C2. The bulb flickers for a blink-never comes on. Double clicking dosent work either. Any suggestions?

Are you guys using the same AW cells, or are there different ones?
get AWs high current protected RCR123 cells.

please read this thread if you haven't already, it refers to making a C2 rechargable.

anyone saying that you can run a P91 on these cells *coughtusserycough* is a danger to themselves and the members of this forum and family and friends. We don't light our cigarettes while changing fuel filters, and we don't use P91s with RCR123s. It's 2.5+amps.

Anyways. the original question was what setup could you use that would be rechargable and as bright as a P61. The answer is the AW cells I linked to combined with the LumensFactory HO-9. This will be throwier than a P61, but in the same ballpark of brightness.

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