Rechargeable factory Surfire M6 ever a possibility?


Newly Enlightened
Jan 14, 2008
So, I know there are folks out there who have battery packs for the M6 that can recharge so a person isn't spending $30 an hour for light, but has anyone heard if there is going to a factory rechargeable option for the M6? I find the Dominator 10x oddly shaped and does not share the testosterone looks of most Surefire lights. I want 500 lumens, but I don't want to pay an arm and a leg for it and I would like more than 20 minutes worth of light. I'd love to see a 500 lumen rechargeable li-ion M6 with 30-45 minutes of burn time, even if that means a longer handle. As someone who does periodic law enforcement, I'd rather have the M6 with the crenulated bezel and all metal.

Am I baying at the moon here or is there a chance we might see this light or something like it?
Well, there is always a CHANCE it'll happen.

But, my guess is NO.

Let's see what the others think . . . .

I think that if Surefire does anything to the M6, it'll be to make an LED option/replacement. They've stopped development on their incandescent lights and moved most of their product line up to LEDs. The KL9 is the next LED upgrade for the M3. It's only a matter of time for them to make the M6 LED.
I spoke with a Surefire rep that I know & he said (off the record) that they might be working on a M6 LED upgrade, but he declined to give any specifics about an ETA, price or output.
Maybe when Hell freezes over, and this guy :)devil:) starts handing out free snowcones.
Maybe something like this :devil: :


I really doubt they'd make a rechargeable M6. Would be cool though. The M6 has to be responsible for a good bit of their 123 sales !
I'd bet my best socks that we won't see a rechargeable M6, seeing as SureFire have stopped focusing R&D on incandescent models.

I suppose an M6L (or something along those lines) is a possibility, but personally I don't really see a need for it with the way LEDs are advancing.

I believe that we will never see a rechargeable M6. The Dominator X10 was designed as a rechargeable option for the Surefire Product Line.

I believe that we will never see a rechargeable M6. The 10x Dominator was designed as a rechargeable option for the Surefire Product Line.


True, but there have been a few issues with that model. Even if it worked perfectly, some just can't see themselves spending $450 on a light that uses so much Nitrolon in its construction.

That was one reason why I went with the M6, instead.

A rechargeable M6 option is easy. 6 RCR123 cells, like the ones AW makes. And the proper Lumens Factory lamp designed for the M6. And a couple of chargers so that charging time won't be nearly as long....

Yeah, it's not an approved option from Surefire. But rechargeable options on other Surefire models are common on these boards.
True, but there have been a few issues with that model. Even if it worked perfectly, some just can't see themselves spending $450 on a light that uses so much Nitrolon in its construction.

Yes,I definitely agree about the construction of the X10. It would be more economical (for us consumers), If surefire would offer a rechargeable battery pack for the M6. Now i realize that 3rd party options are available, but most of these would void Surefire`s warranty.
There has been a lot of interest in a rechargeable M6 over the years. I made the first rechargeable M6 pack that drives the MN21, but at least one person before me made a 3 17670 pack to drive the MN60. If you don't want to use the MN21 there are a lot of options available right now, actually.

andrewwyn's HD-M6 pack was a Li-ion that ran for 30-40 minutes, but I think he only ever delivered two, maybe three of them before skipping town with people's money.

So, back to the question: will SUREFIRE ever release a pack?

Doubtful. But not impossible.

However, if you ask will ANYONE ever release a Li-ion pack for the M6?

Very probable. I'm working on it right now, actually. But in terms of immediate solutions, there are a number of possibilities available right now. As mentioned, the simplest one is to put RCR123 cells in the MB20 pack and drive the Lumens Factory HO-M6R lamp (or whatever it's called).
Regarding the 10X: I wouldn't hesitate to treat it just as roughly as an M6. A lot of people seen to have assumed that because it is constructed of nitrolon that it isn't as tough as the M6. I can assure you that the 10X is as tough as nails.

Regarding the 10X: I wouldn't hesitate to treat it just as roughly as an M6. A lot of people seen to have assumed that because it is constructed of nitrolon that it isn't as tough as the M6. I can assure you that the 10X is as tough as nails.


I agree. And the one I tried out at a B&M shop felt more comfortable in the hand than an M6. Nice oval "barrel" and rubber grips are a huge +.

But some folks look at a G2 or G2L, then they look at the 10x.... and then they look at the prices. Or comparing a 10x to an M6.... I saved $150 by buying an M6 over the 10x, in a B&M shop. (10x was priced at $505).

Heard more complaints about the 10x charger than the light itself. Before 2003, the 10x was priced right. But with rechargeable solutions for the lower-priced M6 more common nowadays, the 10x seems to have become less popular.
the only thing halting my interest for surefires rechargeable series is the chemistry of its battery packs...
NiCd, unlike Lithium, can't be stored for months and months without discharging at least half of its capacity.
I bought the FM3x17670 holder + LF-HO-M6R because I liked the amount of light that comes out and I don't have to feel guilty littering landfills with lithium canisters. Do I use it often? yes, everyday? not so much.

Surefires rechargeables are meant to be used everyday, not on an "occasional" basis:ohgeez:

the 10X is awesome, and those of you who think its might break if this I had dinner with PK last night.
After playing with the M6 for a bit...I realized I need a low output light for navigation, and the two-lights-in-one concept again intrigues me.

I don't think I can afford a 10X...but the 9AN seems ideal...its a pity that you can't change one lamp at a time though:ohgeez: