Rechargeable Maglight into M@g85 mod?


Newly Enlightened
Jan 26, 2009
I am preparing for my first M*g85 mod.... im wondering why I cant just start with a Rechargeable Maglite to begin with instead of a standard 3D Maglite? Wouldn't all I need be a 9AA to 3D battery adapter (FiveMega) and Bi-pin WA1185 bulb? The Rechargeable Maglite already has a metal reflector, the lens is glass, and the bulbholder already accommodates a bi-pin?
There is a simple mod whereby you just change the bulb in the Mag Charger. Keep the NiCd battery stick and everything else the same.
But you're right, the Mag Charger is a fantastic platform - I forget what bulb you need to increase output a bunch :thinking:
There is a simple mod whereby you just change the bulb in the Mag Charger. Keep the NiCd battery stick and everything else the same.
But you're right, the Mag Charger is a fantastic platform - I forget what bulb you need to increase output a bunch :thinking:

A WA1160 will do it. A Phillips 5761 will also be enormously bright. I have / had a 5761 one in mine. Took it out, though, because it was melting the plastic socket some. This is an issue you can deal with, but mine is a police duty light and I don't need it going kaput at the wrong instant.
A WA1160 will do it. A Phillips 5761 will also be enormously bright. I have / had a 5761 one in mine. Took it out, though, because it was melting the plastic socket some. This is an issue you can deal with, but mine is a police duty light and I don't need it going kaput at the wrong instant.

Thanks Sabre. I have ordered the WA1160's (1160-U) and I'm going to order some Phillips 5761's. I noticed on a different forum that you also used a 'mica heat shield underneath it to protect the wimpy plastic socket from melting'. Given that you state you removed the bulb because of the heat problems...was the shield ineffective? What were your impressions of the shield and if recommended where can I get one?
Thanks Sabre. I have ordered the WA1160's (1160-U) and I'm going to order some Phillips 5761's. I noticed on a different forum that you also used a 'mica heat shield underneath it to protect the wimpy plastic socket from melting'. Given that you state you removed the bulb because of the heat problems...was the shield ineffective? What were your impressions of the shield and if recommended where can I get one?

The mica shield is alright. I used three on top of each other for a long time. I dropped the light and it landed directly in its side on the pavement and the bulb broke, though. When I went to change it I found that the mica shields were extremely brittle and I could not handle them without breaking them. It was almost as if they were "fried" by the heat. I got mine from Litho123.

I've also heard that you can use a small piece of fiberglass sheet from an auto parts store. I also tried a thin piece of aluminum foil. It seemed to work and didn't short the bulb out like I thought it would.

Really I went back to the standard bulb for the durability and run-time.
There is a simple mod whereby you just change the bulb in the Mag Charger. Keep the NiCd battery stick and everything else the same.
But you're right, the Mag Charger is a fantastic platform - I forget what bulb you need to increase output a bunch :thinking:

Its a 5v bulb overdriven at 6v. It's 22 watt!

German link here

I am sure they are available in the US as well but don't know where!

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