Rechargeables and MagLite LED's?


Aug 24, 2007
I'm a brand new member of CPF. I have a modest collection of flashlights (around thirty of them). Recently, I upgraded nearly all of my MAGLITES to LEDs. Two weeks ago I switched over to rechargeable Duracell 2650 mAh, 1.2v, Energizer 2500mAh and Rayovac 2900mAh, AAA, AA, C and D cells in my lights. So far I've experienced excellent results with no leakages or problems. I spoke to a lady technician at the MAGLITE Service department and she pointed out the WARNING paragraph in the MINIMAG LED and LED UPGRADE MODULE information/manual cards that they say "DO NOT USE RECHARGEABLE BATTERIES". She would not give up any more information than to say they might blow/burnout the LED's. She would not or could not be any more specific as to the type of, or brand of
rechargeables, like NiMH, NiCad etc. You can imagine my quandary, I have a sizable investment both in flashlights, LED modules, rechargeable batteries and chargers. I really need help and advice on what to do at this point. Please give me some feedback.

Thank you.
Hate to say it,

but the reason that Mag technicial wouldn't provide any more information,

is 'cuz she didn't HAVE any more information ! :devil:

The Mag LED lights work just fine and dandy on NiMH cells.

Somewhere, somebody once tried using rechargeable cells in a Mini-Mag incand. model.

Naturally, the slightly lower voltage meant significantly lower brightness.

When this mythical fellow called up Mag Instrument to complain,

they fell upon the only excuse they could come up with . . . .

That is: Rechargeable batteries are not recommended.


mAh's comparison, MM AA LED vs Fenix L2D CE?

Hey guys, your comments make me feel alot better about my choice for the rechargeables in my Mag LED's.
Another question...just how much difference are you going to notice in flashlight performance with AA rechargeables eg Duracel 2650 mAh to Energizer 2500mAh, or discount brand X, AA's with 700mAh? Would you notice more of a distinction comparing them in a Mini Mag AA LED and a Fenix L2D CE Cree?
Well, if you got 700mah AAs (which would mean NiCD and not NiMH) you'd notice a hell of a great difference in battery life.

On the other hand, the difference between brand name and offbrand cells is usually not enough to worry about. Get the cheaper cells. You'll probably get a bit less than their rated capacity (generic chinese manufacturers commonly over-rate their cells), but you'll pay a lot less.

As for the LSD cells, well, we don't yet have any from generic off-brand manufacturers. Not yet, at least.
Eneloops are quite expensive in shops, but you can get them significantly cheaper on eBay. Or you can get the GP ReCykos from DX.
In terms of preformance, Duracells tend to hold up better than energizers, but not much longer, if I were you, try either the rayovac hybrid series or the Sanyo Eneloop(s) in either AA or AAA size.