recommend a gift for my significant other


Newly Enlightened
Jan 14, 2009
hi everyone, :wave:

first time posting here. my significant other's birthday is coming up in a few weeks. he loves flashlights (he is a member here but he has not visited in a few months i think) so i want to give him something to add to his collection. i'm hoping to keep it somewhere in the $100 to $200 range. i peeked in his flashlight drawer not too long ago and according to the little cards and boxes he has in there he has these already (apologize if i'm listing them wrong):

eagletac t10c
fenix l1d
fenix ld01 (i think this is the one on his keychain)
fenix p2d
jetbeam jet-ii
jetbeam element e3p
liteflux lfx3t
nitecore d10
nitecore ex10
pentagonlight molle
photon rex
streamlight micro stream
surefire e1b
surefire e2dl
surefire m6
surefire u2
zebralight h50

so, what would be a nice light to add to his collection? something a bit different from what he already has? i'd really appreciate the help in picking something. also, i don't know where would be a good place to get any good lights (i know he buys his stuff online) so if you guys could also recommend a good place to buy a light i'd be really grateful.

thanks in advance.
With a collection like that I wouldn't bother getting him another flashlight.

Surely he has other interests?

Does he have a nice blade? ..or one at all?
What kind of watch does he wear?

Does he like really cool multi-tool gadgets?

P.S. I don't have much time before I need to go but I wanted to throw some different ideas out there for you. Hope you don't mind.
I looked at the list, and the first thing that jumped out at me was the JetBeam Jet III Military model.

Here's a link.... (Click on the pic in the link to make it larger).

He already owns a couple of JetBeam models. So he might like another one. The Military model uses the same clip design as his SF E1B. (Many enthusiasts tend to love the E1B-style clip). And the tailcap has scallops like his SF E2DL model.

It's a bit different than what he already owns, but has design cues from lights he likely already enjoys using.

- Or -

If you want to get him something very different from what he already has, there's the Novatac 120P. A single-cell, programmable light, that is also popular with many of us here on CPF.

Both lights fall within your budget. I have a 120P. And I love mine. I also have the JetBeam Military model. But it literally arrived yesterday.
  • SureFire E2DL <= Click on link
So, what would be a nice light to add to his collection? Something a bit different from what he already has? I'd really appreciate the help in picking something.

Hi mtr -- Welcome to CPF! :welcome:

Your significant other already has a very complete (wide-encompassing) collection of fine torches in his possession. For the life of me, I can't seem to come up with another flashlight that would realistically add further utility or "wow factor" - leastwise given the cost restraints you'd specified. :D

How about this: Perhaps an add-on "Turbohead" for the SureFire E2DL he owns??? A TLS Model TX2-IB would fit that bill handsomely (IMHO). You can purchase one from OpticsHQ. I'm fairly sure they're now available in stock, however they are a brand new item. An e-mail to kobi in Sales will provide you with a quick respose to any/all questions surrounding this item.

Here are a few handy links for you:
I hope my suggestion has been of some help to you.

In any event, please let do us know what you ultimately decided to go with, okay?
Take care - and please wish your significant other a Happy Birthday from all of us here at CPF!!! :party:
Cheers! :twothumbs

You've got a few AAA-, AA-, and 18650-powered flashlights on that list; but it is rather dominated by a vast majority of CR/RCR123-powered lights. For the sake of simplifying his battery collection, you might want to stick with flashlights that use either CR123's and/or RCR123 batteries.
He's got quite a few general purpose and tactical lights, so I wouldn't get him another.

He's got only one keychain light, but it's a pretty good one (LD01). There are others that might be a little fancier, but not many that are much brighter.

He has one headlamp/pure flood in the H50. That's a very good one. There are two other available models, the H30 and H60 - but there's too much overlap in characteristics, so I wouldn't go there unless he mentioned a need for another headlamp or another floody light.

He has no divelights.

He has no "megabright" lights (HID's, P-7's, MC-E's, multiple emitters).

And he has no dedicated throwers (Spear, DBS, Tiablo, etc.).
Of these latter three categories, I'd suggest that the safest choice would be to get him a dedicated thrower - a flashlight built for the purpose of throwing a (narrow) beam of light as far as practical. Of the throwers, I'd suggest you purchase a Dereelight DBS, Version 3, with the 3SM pill (high/medium/low outputs and designed for use with 2 CR123 or 2 RCR123 batteries). If you don't know your husband's preferences for the specific tint he likes his beams to have, then order the R2 emitter - simply because it is the brightest. If you know he likes warmer tints - then order the 5A Q3 emitter.

When you order, this is the specific flashlight that I recommended:
DBS V3 w/ 3SM Cree XR-E WH R2 (SMO) - $131

I suggest that you also order the optional Orange-Peel (stippled) reflector for smoothing out the beam:
DBS OP reflector $20

And this is the link for placing your order:

While the DBS V3 is a very good light in and of itself, its greatest advantage is upgradability. If your husband wants to use 18650 cells, he can get a pill that uses 18650 cells. If he wants longer runtimes, he can get an extension tube. If he wants mega-output, he can get an MC-E pill. If he wants a warmer tint, there are pills with warmer tints. You get the picture.

Good luck!

P.S. There are many other ways of categorizing lights and many other brands and models of flashlights that I did not mention. I hope the general readership forgives my (over)simplification.

P.P.S. Pardon me for not writing more plainly. "Pill" = light engine = the single unit that houses the LED emitter (bulb), driver (miniaturized circuits that control power, inputs and outputs), and heat sink (the element that transfers heat away from the hot emitter to the flashlight body for dissipation). It's not very big, but it is the heart and soul of the DBS flashlight. And not all flashlights have pills, most manufacturers don't bother to modularize their products in this fashion. Dereelight did so to simplify upgrades!
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Judging from his list, your SO likes CR123 battery size lights, and probably prefers single battery lights and clickies. If he is a CPF member, there is no way he missed the Novatac 120p by accident, so I would say he has already reviewed that light and decided to pass on it.

He basically has everything else of note in the $100-200 range, except one light, the RA Clicky. These just became available late last year (I think December) so if he has been on hiatus from CPF, it is quite possible he missed the release. A lot of people consider the RA Clicky to be the newest and best flashlight in this category. In any case, it is certainly one of the most discussed lights of late. You can buy them from:

I think there are some CPF discount codes, but I can't find them at this moment. If you decide to buy something from these sites, I'm sure someone here will give you the code. And by the way, I think it is very thoughtful of you to secretly join CPF to find a present for your SO. Good luck!
If you ask me, it looks like he has been here in the last month or so.

It looks like he has a love for single cell lights, but also has a couple of the other sought after lights.

Does he carry a light with him at all times? What does that light look like?

One thing that I see is that he's missing a Nitecore Extreme.
hi everyone, :wave:

first time posting here. my significant other's birthday is coming up in a few weeks. he loves flashlights (he is a member here but he has not visited in a few months i think) so i want to give him something to add to his collection. i'm hoping to keep it somewhere in the $100 to $200 range. i peeked in his flashlight drawer not too long ago and according to the little cards and boxes he has in there he has these already (apologize if i'm listing them wrong):

eagletac t10c
fenix l1d
fenix ld01 (i think this is the one on his keychain)
fenix p2d
jetbeam jet-ii
jetbeam element e3p
liteflux lfx3t
nitecore d10
nitecore ex10
pentagonlight molle
photon rex
streamlight micro stream
surefire e1b
surefire e2dl
surefire m6
surefire u2
zebralight h50

so, what would be a nice light to add to his collection? something a bit different from what he already has? i'd really appreciate the help in picking something. also, i don't know where would be a good place to get any good lights (i know he buys his stuff online) so if you guys could also recommend a good place to buy a light i'd be really grateful.

thanks in advance.

Get him a Dereelight the DBS he certainly has nothing like it in the list you gave.

It has a high WOW factor as well. I know I would love to have one and I'd be happy if my wife bought me one even tho I'm an AA fanatic.
I just did a quick calculation. Buying him a N30 should double his lumen count of all the lights combined.
hmmm... other interests? he plays guitar but those tend to be a lot more expensive than what i have budgeted for. :broke:

he usually carries a leatherman tool and a spyderco native when he's out and about. as for what light he usually carries, aside from that fenix on his keychain i think he usually carries either the liteflux one or one of the nitecore ones in his jeans pocket (he keeps several on the dresser and grabs one of those before he goes out). :shrug:

so far, that jetbeam jet-iii, ra clicky, nitecore extreme and the dereelight look to be nice and within my budget. not sure about that hid light that you guys are suggesting. he'd probably like it but then we need to figure out where he'd store it. :p

if i were to raise the budget to a maximum of $250, what would that get me? :confused:

thanks to everyone for their suggestions so far. you guys are just great. a lot more polite and helpful than some other internet forums i've seen. :thumbsup::twothumbs:clap::grouphug::goodjob:
Ok, here it goes...

I think your boyfriend needs to get a little Ti lovin' :devil:

First up:

Something unique, yet well within your price range. If you have it custom engraved or get one of the optional finishes it should really stand apart from the ones he has now, yet hopefully he will like it because of the form factor and material.

Take a look HERE and see what you think.

THIS is a review by Selfbuilt, a respected member here.

I have no personal experience with this light but I had considered purchasing one. I haven't found any negative reviews but be aware that this light runs on a rechargeable Lithium Ion battery and would need a charger. I would wager a guess that your boyfriend probably has one already but it's something to checkout/keep in mind.


The BitZ Titanium Bling Edition

..a more EDC friendly option because of the clip(!).

You can use the search engine to read up more on it.
If I had to choose one over the other it would definitely be the BitZ but you're not buying it for me. :p

That's all I got for flashlight recommendations.
Now if you want to talk knives, guns, watches, motorcycles or hi-fi/home theater we could go on for hours :caution:

For $250, you could theoretically add the MC-E pill (superbrite, floody beam). Adds versatility to the DBS. This is what your order would then look like:
  • DBS V3 w/ 3SM Cree XR-E WH R2 (SMO) - $131
  • DBS OP reflector - $20
  • 3SM Cree MC-E (2.1 amp drive current. For DBS only) - $57
And this is the link for placing your order:

However, in all honesty, I'd suggest that he would be happier without the extra pill. While giving him "more", you're taking away from his "wish list" or ability to dream of bigger and better things. (Less is more - if you know what I mean.)
+1 to 1dash1's suggestion. Get him a thrower-type light. Its a vastly different type of light from the ones you listed, mtr. He'll be driving you around all night with the new flashlight you gave him... he'll be driving into the darkest parts of town looking for wide open areas to shine his new light on ;)
Don't you guys think that a flashlight geek like this would already have a "thrower" if he was so inclined?

Am I the only one who thinks a Surefire M6 is a thrower??

An LED thrower might be nice, but her S.O. already has a light made for throw.
.. I missed/forgot about from yesterday, the M6.

Surely that qualifies as a thrower! :devil:
Don't you guys think that a flashlight geek like this would already have a "thrower" if he was so inclined?


Exactly, he already has the M6 and nothing else in the throw department. He obviously has had the opportunity to pick up another thrower such as the DBS, but hasn't. That says to me that he is not that interested in throwers. Neither am I. If my wife gave me a thrower, I would be very happy at the thoughtfulness, but I probably wouldn't use it much in the end.

I guess the question is, do you see your boyfriend using a large very power light (Surefire M6) very often or does it just sit around gathering dust? If he uses it, then you could get him the Dereelight DBS like many below suggested. If not, I would stick with what he clearly has a preference for and the Bitz Titanium or Ra Clicky would both be excellent choices.