

Newly Enlightened
Feb 7, 2008
I know there have been a few posts on flashlight recommendations, but they seem to focus on AA or AAA or specific battery types. Just wondering what suggestions you would have on the brightest flashlight that uses whatever size batteries (C or D or AA, etc.) under $60. I just bought one of the task force cree lights and I like it. Thanks.
For AA batteries, many would say the Fenix L2D-CE Q5, Lumapower LM31 or the Nitecore Defender.

There aren't many C and D celled current gen LED lights available.

So is the Task Force a better light in this range? Also, just for my knowledge, as I had checked out the Advance Auto LED light, what is the main difference between Luxeon and Cree?
So is the Task Force a better light in this range? Also, just for my knowledge, as I had checked out the Advance Auto LED light, what is the main difference between Luxeon and Cree?

I would personally say that the Fenix lights seems to better built than the Task force as for your question on the differences between Lexeon and Cree. The Lexeon emitters seems to be less efficent at producing light than the Cree. (this is the trend as of now but the Lexeon Rebel may not apply to this) The Cree XR-E LED have outstanding efficancy being able to deliver up to 100 lumens per watt (in accordance to Crees Specs) Of course this is best case scenerio. Lexeon does have a new LED it just produced called the Rebel which does offer good high lumens per watt as well.
By any size battery, do you mean any common size (Only AAA, AA, C, and D)? Because if you include CR123A lithium batteries, or any li-ion rechargeable batteries, a whole new level of brightness is open to you.

There's isn't too much competition for common cell size current gen LED lights, except recently 1xAA and 1xAAA lights. The Fenix L2D Premium Q5 is probably the brightest 2xAA (I don't have the Taskforce, but I think the Fenix may be brighter overall than it. But less throw).

Again, I have the L2D Q5, but not the Taskforce, so I can only be completely reliable in my comments on the Fenix. It has excellent build quality, but you have to realize the difference between build quality and toughness. Some lights have 1/4" thick walls, so can take more than the Fenix. But the fenix is well-made, and operates very reliably and very well.

To briefly compare CREE and Luxeon, I will compare only their best products. CREE produces the most efficient LED, labeled the R2 bin, that acheives 114 lumens per watt. Luxeon's Rebel 100 acheives only 100, as well as (I beleive) SSC's top bin P4. So the best choice would be a CREE R2, but some people complain about CREE's ringiness. This is sometimes coped with very well by the flashlight using it, but if it is not then you might prefer a smoother SSC or Luxeon LED, despite it being dimmer.

One last note: there are only 3 flashlights available with a R2 CREE that I know of, as it has just come out. The more common CREE to see is the Q5 bin. A WC tint Q5 has a pure white tint, unlike any of the other LEDs. It acheives 107 lumens/watt, so everything I said before still stands with a Q5.
So, other than construction, the task force is comparable?

people say a lot of great stuff about the new CREE taskforce (you have the CREE model, right?). Probably your best choice for a common LED light taking common batteries. But it is beat by a few specialty items... (see above)
Compared to the whole market, there aren't many current gen LED lights that have the current gen LEDs. Elektrolumens does make good products from what I've heard.

The current gen LEDs are at least twice as efficient as the previous gen ones, that means for the same power, the current gen LED will have at least double the output.

If you bought the Taskforce that says 60x brighter, then you got a Cree version. It should out throw the Fenix.
Just wondering what suggestions you would have on the brightest flashlight that uses whatever size batteries under $60.


Fenix has a few bright lights around that price.

AA L2D CE Q5 180 lumens $62.50
CR123A P3D CE Q5 (reverse clicky) 215 lumens $67.50
CR123A T-1 (forward clicky) 225 lumens $76.00

Keep in mind you get an 8% discount at with the CPF8 coupon code, and their prices include tax and shipping.

These are pretty good bang for the buck lights with good regulation and runtimes.
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Thanks for all the help. Definitely the best forum I've ever been a part of.