Recommended reflector/head for Malkoff D-cell M@g?


Newly Enlightened
Jun 2, 2007
Hi all,

I've recently upgraded my useless old 4D mag with a Malkoff D dropin (thanks Gene!). The light now puts out a useful amount of light, and with a cleaner beam to boot using the stock reflector (with the cam cut off, naturally).

However! Once modded once, why stop there?

I find that whilst the beam throws relatively well there is a lot of light wasted in the corona, which is approximately 90 degrees wide and dim compared to the hotspot (poor spot to corona transition). In fact I'd go so far as to say that since the hotspot is so bright, the dim corona is almost useless.

What I'd like is a replacement reflector, lens, or head assembly in a dropin-simple mod format that tightens the entire beam to 15 degrees or less.

Looking around, it strikes that my best pursuits are either an aspherical lens that is somehow compatible with the existing head/reflector assembly (and hopefully doesn't protrude past the head bevel so as to protect the lens), or a larger replacement head in the vein of fivemega's FM3V-2 turbo heads but with an inner hole of 0.6" and a lot less expensive! $190 is (for me) about 2-3 times more than I'm willing to pay for a 3" mag head, 'though I've no doubt they are worth the money for those killer ROP-type mods.

Likewise, one of Delghi's carley mod 3" heads looks good, but is still out of my price range (plus they're now unavailable!).

So guys (and gals), what are my options?
I got the stippled reflector from Malkoff. I have been running the Malkoff in a 3D, and it puts out plenty of light. The spill is great for walking the dog, and I have enough throw for my use.

I tried adding an LDF lens but it produced more diffusion than I wanted.

Does the light get hot with the 4D Mag host?
I haven't found the 4D light to get hot yet - the amount of thermal mass in Gene's heatsink along with the good thermal coupling to the body means that I don't expect it to get dangerously hot either.

I have decided to order a couple of aspherical lenses to have a play with, since they're cheap enough that it doesn't matter if things don't work. In this vein, does anyone know of a cheap supplier of replacement mag bezels that would protect a 1" protruding lens?