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Feb 7, 2007
Hi there,

I ordered and received 2 very nice smo camless M2 reflectors. Unintentionally I got them enlarged to .32. I was going to use them for both Pelican bulbs (Hi & LO). I now see that on your page it says for Pelican Hi special order. Is that the enlarged to .32 or is it something else. I'm a newbie btw. The low bulb and other WA's should have the std. opening I believe. What should I do? Is the difference small enough with the .32 so that the heat not reflected forward is insignificant and I can use it or should I exchange it with whatever costs are associated?

Are the silver springs a good idea for mag hotwires? Finally anything else that I should use and buy from you outside of the Light Reading instructions for the ROP? I'll be back for other HW things.

Thank you very much,

The heat should be a non-issue. You might see a slight degradation of light output from the slightly larger opening removing some reflector area, but not enough to worry about.