Thank U guys...
I tried with knife... No way...
Only method. 100 % checked by me
Take your old file or rasp (it must not be too big)
Put sandpaper on it. I recommend gradient 120.
U must do very very fine work to took letters off. Surface must be fine also so after sandpapering with 120 gradient take 180 and after treatment with it finish it with 220 gradient and U will get very fine and bright surface...
The best thing after that is to take air compressor and blow small remaining particles of surface.
If U don't have compressor use steel wool to gently clean the surface...
And final:
On such surface use aluminium bluing liquid on this way:
Take small stick for ear cleaning. Drop it into liquid and then gently rub on well prepared surface (mentioned above) for 5 minutes till U get desired level of blackness.
After that rinse it with cold water and rub with old cotton clothing.
Leave it few hours on warm and that's it
Blackness level is not same as on flashlight but is very good. Thrust me.
This is only way to remove laser engraved letters.
If someone has better solution please post here.
Thank U guys. Especially to STILLPHOTO for reccomending me Birchwood Casey Aluminum Black I had no idea till now what that can do...
It really does fine job. But remember that depends on your fine work...
BTW: I have been thinking and shrinking tube is great idea! Thanks man!