Replacement for the ROP Low bulb?


Flashlight Enthusiast
Nov 27, 2004
Adelaide, Australia
I like the overall performance and balance of output/run time of the ROP Low bulb.......however, I do not like the idea of paying for the ROP High because of the way its packaged together with the Low, I do not have any use for the High......So, what alternative is there to replace the ROP Low with another bulb that has the same kind of performance specs, either potted or bi-pin.
this one is worth trying as a bi-pin alternative at only $2.50 ea, problem is shipping the first one to make sure it will work.... At only 100 hours rated life at 6V, it's going to depend on your power supply whether or not this bulb will survive, if you are popping a lot of ROP lows, then that may mean that this bulb is also going to be likely to pop.... But this bulb would be very similar in power consumption to the ROP low.
this one is worth trying as a bi-pin alternative at only $2.50 ea, problem is shipping the first one to make sure it will work.... At only 100 hours rated life at 6V, it's going to depend on your power supply whether or not this bulb will survive, if you are popping a lot of ROP lows, then that may mean that this bulb is also going to be likely to pop.... But this bulb would be very similar in power consumption to the ROP low.

Thanks for that, I am still on my first bulb in my 2x D Li-ion Maglite and just installed one in my 2x C Li-ion Maglite. I am guessing that these get a dose of about 7.2V at the start, or there about. I should imagine that any 6V bi-pin or potted bulb should work ok, just looking for some feedback on others in this class.
I don't know where you can purchase this, but I received a Pelican pack that contained two ROP low bulbs (and no high) when I purchased my last ROP from a fellow CPF'er. So, they should be available for purchase like that:twothumbs
I like the overall performance and balance of output/run time of the ROP Low bulb.......however, I do not like the idea of paying for the ROP High because of the way its packaged together with the Low, I do not have any use for the High......So, what alternative is there to replace the ROP Low with another bulb that has the same kind of performance specs, either potted or bi-pin.

4 ROP-LO bulb for $27, shipped. Interested?
To be honest, I would like to get rid of the two ROP High bulbs that I still have and perhaps swap them for two ROP Low bulbs. I have a thread in the WTT section so I will see how I go......thanks anyway.

Here it's different! I bought 4 pack of ROP bulbs and I now want to go bi-pin. I currently use my stock of ROP-HI bulbs before. I'll just keep the ROP-LO bulbs for backup purpose! ;) I currently keep a ROP-LO bulb in the tailcap of my Mag, it makes a nice backup bulb!
Perhaps the Maglite Magnum-star 6-cell? I got mine from opticsplanet and I keep it in the tailcap of my ROP. Not as bright as the rop-low, but good enough for me.
Perhaps the Maglite Magnum-star 6-cell? I got mine from opticsplanet and I keep it in the tailcap of my ROP. Not as bright as the rop-low, but good enough for me.
The Magnum Star 5-cell is brighter even. Consider that the 5-cell bulb must take 5 fresh alkaline D cells without instaflashing, which is about 7 volts at the bulb. Six NiMH AA cells will deliver something like 7 volts at the bulb too, so if you run a 5-cell Magnum star on six rechargeables you get a very nice, bright and white light.
2 Li-ion cell at full charge is around 8.4v.

The 5 cell bulb works well, around 8 watts the last time I measured it(before it got loss/stolen at school). Around 1 amp draw.

Might be a bit dimmer then the ROP low but easier to find.

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