Retired: My old EDC -- My Aeon Has Arrived!!


Flashlight Enthusiast
Oct 22, 2007
I just received my new natural Aeon from Enrique, and all I can say is - WOW... All the reading about these unbelievable little lights and pictures just don't do it justice. I knew it would be small, but I wasn't expecting it to be this small - which is a very good thing for me. I always thought that a AAA was the limit in my pocket - I'm one of those people who can only stand 1 or 2 keys and the smallest keychain in his pocket. It even took me a while to get used to a AAA EDC.

But this thing is perfect - my LOD is officially retired! This thing is built like a tank - it feels so solid it doesn't seem like any kind of a drop could do even the slightest bit of damage. The thick o-ring and tight tolerances on this light ensures a water-tight seal.

And the output is just amazing in this tiny thing. This throwy reflector takes you by surprise, as I'm so used to the LOD. And the much less blue-ish tint of this R2 emitter vs. my Q4 LOD is a very welcome improvement.

Enrique was nice enough to throw in one of his very nice lanyards. Just icing on the cake..:cool:


Of course I had to do it.. the Aeon goes in the drink. :grin2:

It was a suprise to me to see how small it was even compared to the LOD...

Just a couple of comparison shots against my old EDC:

Low Mode - Aeon (Left) / LOD Q4 (Right)

High Mode - Aeon (Left) / LOD Q4 (Right)

High Mode (underexposed) - Aeon (Left) / LOD Q4 (Right)

Why oh why did I wait so long to get one of these?? :twothumbs:twothumbs

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If you like the Aeon... you probably will want to try out the new Quark MiNi 123! It's only a bit bigger but packs and insane wallop!
Great pictures! :thumbsup: Does enrique have any more of these on hand because these seem hard to come by?
The Aeon is simply superb in just about every way. It has one unique characteristic. You can always tell when the battery is very near the end of its life, because when you turn it to full brightness it actually gets dimmer than on low brightness! Gave me a scare the first time I noticed it. It's a quirk which, once you understand that's all it means, can be handy.
Great pictures! :thumbsup: Does enrique have any more of these on hand because these seem hard to come by?
Thanks SFfanman. I know of two places to get one of these right now. Enrique has the black aluminum and Ti versions available on his website (I bought the last natural version he had):

BrightGuy has the Natural aluminum version in stock here:

Pull the trigger on this one!


If you like the Aeon... you probably will want to try out the new Quark MiNi 123! It's only a bit bigger but packs and insane wallop!
Yep - I've been eyeing that one..may have to pull the trigger after Christmas..

The Aeon is simply superb in just about every way. It has one unique characteristic. You can always tell when the battery is very near the end of its life, because when you turn it to full brightness it actually gets dimmer than on low brightness! Gave me a scare the first time I noticed it. It's a quirk which, once you understand that's all it means, can be handy.
Very good to know, thanks.
Such a nice light! One of the nicest small lights out there. Would love to get one someday. Have fun with your new light. That water dunk looks like it was fun!
Nice pics of an excellent light-and merry xmas from a fellow OH....IO resident!:thumbsup:
Enjoy a wonderful light! I will echo the wonderful runtimes, amazing craftsmanship and other attributes. It is so well-made and simple it will probably outlast cheaper lights that will come and go. I will never sell mine.
Agreed. I'm amazed by the threading (with zero slop/slack) and the smoothness, as well as the oft mentioned regulation and durability. I have an EZ CR2 which is a perfectly nice little light and a bit brighter in both low and high, but the construction quality just isn't in the same league. Much cheaper of course, but easy to see why when you compare them.

I'm tempted to pick up / upgrade an old CR2 Ion some day too. A floody light with the same excellent construction and form factor would be nice.
I can not wait to see this light in person Rich. It appears to have a good tint - not too white. Now I have to save up and get this light!

Enjoy your light!:twothumbs
I'm tempted to pick up / upgrade an old CR2 Ion some day too. A floody light with the same excellent construction and form factor would be nice.
I'm with you on that. I would also love to have a floody version of this light. In all actuality it would probably be better suited as a more floody light as it is used in closer ranges, but I just love how the beam on this light can carry. But as much as I like this one, I'm sure I'll end up owning an Ion as well...eventually...:broke:
I can not wait to see this light in person Rich. It appears to have a good tint - not too white. Now I have to save up and get this light!

Enjoy your light!:twothumbs
Thanks Chris. Yep, it definitely is not the cold white of the LOD, and does have some warmth to it. But it does have a greenish tinge to it, as others have mentioned. It's really only noticable when "white wall hunting" or when comparing against other light tints. In actual normal usage it just looks white with a little warmth to it.

But with the awesome warm tint LEDs out there now, I'm honestly considering having the emitter swapped out with a Q4 5B. I just like this light so much that it will get a lot of use. I might as well have my favorite tint in it..
You have made a good choice! I believe they are the perfect combination of size, output(s), and runtime. I prefer the green tint over the blue. The runtime is truely amazing. It takes the sting out of purchasing a $7 battery.

Now you need a Mako!
The Aeon is a fantastic light and the quality is way better than anything out there but the price is hard to swallow. I did end up selling my Red Aeon and bought a EZ CR2 for $21 from 4-7's with the blowout coupon. I was going to leave the CR2 format but the EZ CR2 at $21 cannot be passed up

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