I've been on the fence about this light ever since I learned of its existence. Flood is a desirable trait for me - I live in the suburbs, work a desk job, and rarely need to light up more than 20 meters with the overwhelming majority of my usage being < 5 meters. My throwers are reserved for trips to my folks' house in the country - and even then the sightlines are limited to <200m
The 10k lumen output is indeed a party trick. The appeal for me would be the ability to sustain more output than the D4 and FW3A since I find their turbo modes useful, but they only last about ten seconds. I don't necessarily need the nominal ~4k / ~3k lumens that the D4 and FW3a peak at respectively, but it would be nice to sustain something akin to 1-2k lumens without the thermal throttling inherent to the modest heat-management capabilities of said platforms.
The Anduril UI is an appeal for me as well. I don't use ramping much and occasionally end up in a config menu on accident but otherwise do a 'set-and-forget' on the config and find the day-to-day UI easy to use.
My concern is that lovely/terrible tail switch. I have two FW3As - the first is reasonably reliable and requires minimal fiddling with the connections whenever the battery is swapped; the second (v2? it has the switch retaining ring unlike the other, 'first run' model) is less reliable and requires routine trial-and-error adjustment after battery swaps or sometimes for no reason at all. Has Lumentop managed to address this problem that seems to plague earlier iterations of the FW* platform?