Rex2.0 review w/ runtimes.


Jun 6, 2003

Completed a review for the Rex2.0 with runtimes and pics. Enjoy :)
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Thank you for the real world run times for all of the flashlights. Great pictures too. :thumbsup:
Very nice review and pics. I'm further pumped for the arrival of my Rexlight sometime this week.

Great review! Are you planning on doing a runtime with a 14500 cell? This light really rocks with one of those.
Hi guys, thanks for your comments.
This was one of my longer reviews. Hope it doesn't seem too draggy, let me know if I should keep the reviews a little shorter next time :p

Yup, I'll be posting a runtime with 14500 soon. I've loaned mine to a friend who's going to Indonesia. I only managed to complete a high and medium run on 14500. Will complete with the Low runtime on 14500 when I get it back. Runtimes on 14500 doesn't show any substantial boost, but the output sure does!

In the mean time I guess I'll just go ahead and post the high and medium 14500 runtimes first.
Here you go :) Using AW Protected 14500 750mAh. Spot on high is about 2021 Lux.


High: 00:53 to 50%
Medium: 03:41 to 50%


Superimposed vs NiMH runtimes.
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Very nice review:)

Could you test current draw on high using a NiMH? Mine draws about 1.4A off a NiMH on high and that should give longer runtimes than the ones I've seen posted...
Maybe they have changed the circuit??

I had an early order number, but opted to wait for the HA nat.

I'll check the current draw on mine when my friend returns from Indo.
Just by doing the math, it does seem that at 1.4A draw, yours would certainly run longer. Perhaps someone else who just recieved theirs from Kai can try to check out the current draw on theirs?

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