RIP Arthur C. Clarke


Oct 19, 2003
In a handbasket
Arthur C. Clark, noted writer and scientist, has passed away.

Mr. Clarke is the fellow who came up with the idea for geostationary satellite transmission, which gave birth to modern telecommunications, cable tv, satellite tv and countless other related technologies. Those geostationary satellites that make all of this possible are parked in a belt centered over the equator, named the Clarke Belt in his honor.

RIP Mr. Clark. Grab a close look at those satellites on your way upstairs.
He certainly wrote some classic stories. I was thinking of Childhood's End just a little while ago when reading an article about a ten year old bullfighter. When is the Rendezvous with Rama movie being released?
Truly a sad day, indeed. When I was a kid, I read 2001 and 2010 several times. Those books are a couple of the things I fondly look back on from when I was growing up.

He was more than a writer. He was also a visionary. Those like him are few and far between. We are the poorer for his passing.
I believe I have read most, if not all, of his SF books. IIRC, I started reading him in 1967. A brilliant mind.
of the "Big Three" I'd hate to say, for ME he was #3. Always prefered Heinlein and Azmov - Not that I didn't LIKE Clarke

You know who's stuff I always liked? Campbell's short stories/Novelas
You know who's stuff I always liked? Campbell's short stories/Novelas
That was Bill? He launched many a writers' career. I remember him from a monthly zine. Space Opera stuff writer I seem to remember.:poke:
He was my favourite writer. I like that he wrote about things that might really happen (much things from his older books already did). Just had a look and my book and i got like 40 from him.

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